Scripture Context

Luke 13:9 - Luke 13:19

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9 And if it bear fruit, the tree is saved, and if not, after that thou shalt cut it down. And many other parables spake he unto the people.

10 And after this, as he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath;

11 Behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise straighten up.

12 And when Jesus saw her, he called and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmities.

13 And he laid hands on her; and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.

14 And the ruler of the synagogue was filled with indignation, because that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day, and said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to work; in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the Sabbath day.

15 The Lord then said unto him, O hypocrite! Doth not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering?

16 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?

17 And when he had said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed; and all his disciples rejoiced for all the glorious things which were done by him.

18 Then said he, Unto what is the kingdom of God like? and whereunto shall I resemble it?

19 It is like a grain of mustard, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.

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