Scripture Context

2 Nephi 6:93 - 2 Nephi 6:103

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93 But I know my guilt; I transgressed thy law, and my transgressions are mine; and the devil hath obtained me, that I am a prey to his awful misery.

94 But behold, my brethren, is it expedient that I should awake you to an awful reality of these things?

95 Would I harrow up your souls, if your minds were pure?

96 Would I be plain unto you according to the plainness of the truth, if ye were freed from sin?

97 Behold, if ye were holy, I would speak unto you of holiness; but as ye are not holy, and ye look upon me as a teacher, it must needs be expedient that I teach you the consequences of sin.

98 Behold, my soul abhorreth sin, and my heart delighteth in righteousness; and I will praise the holy name of my God.

99 Come, my brethren, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come buy and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk without money and without price.

100 Wherefore, do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which can not satisfy.

101 Hearken diligently unto me, and remember the words which I have spoken; and come unto the Holy One of Israel,

102 And feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted, and let your soul delight in fatness.

103 Behold, my beloved brethren, remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night.

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