Scripture Context

Alma 24:21 - Alma 24:31

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21 And it came to pass that Moroni did arrive with his army to the land of Bountiful, in the latter end of the twenty and seventh year of the reign of the Judges over the people of Nephi.

22 And in the commencement of the twenty and eighth year, Moroni and Teancum, and many of the chief captains, held a council of war, what they should do to cause the Lamanites to come out against them to battle;

23 Or that they might by some means, flatter them out of their strongholds, that they might gain advantage over them, and take again the city of Mulek.

24 And it came to pass that they sent embassies to the army of the Lamanites, which protected the city of Mulek, to their leader, whose name was Jacob, desiring him that he would come out with his armies to meet them upon the plains, between the two cities.

25 But behold, Jacob, who was a Zoramite, would not come out with his army to meet them upon the plains.

26 And it came to pass that Moroni, having no hopes of meeting them upon fair grounds, therefore he resolved upon a plan that he might decoy the Lamanites out of their strongholds.

27 Therefore he caused that Teancum should take a small number of men, and march down near the sea-shore; and Moroni and his army, by night, marched into the wilderness, on the west of the city Mulek;

28 And thus, on the morrow, when the guards of the Lamanites had discovered Teancum, they ran and told it unto Jacob, their leader.

29 And it came to pass that the armies of the Lamanites did march forth against Teancum, supposing by their numbers to overpower Teancum, because of the smallness of his numbers.

30 And as Teancum saw the armies of the Lamanites coming out against him, he began to retreat down by the sea-shore northward.

31 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites saw that he began to flee, they took courage and pursued them with vigor.

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