Scripture Context

Alma 25:12 - Alma 25:22

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12 And behold, if ye do not this, I will come against you with my armies; yea, even I will arm my women and my children, and I will come against you, and I will follow you even into your own land, which is the land of our first inheritance; yea, and it shall be blood for blood; yea, life for life; and I will give you battle, even until you are destroyed from off the face of the earth.

13 Behold, I am in my anger, and also my people; ye have sought to murder us, and we have only sought to defend ourselves.

14 But behold, if ye seek to destroy us more, we will seek to destroy you; yea, and we will seek our land, the lands of our first inheritance.

15 Now I close my epistle. I am Moroni; I am a leader of the people of the Nephites.

16 Now it came to pass that Ammoron, when he had received this epistle he was angry; and he wrote another epistle unto Moroni; and these are the words which he wrote, saying, I am Ammoron the king of the Lamanites; I am the brother of Amalickiah, whom ye have murdered.

17 Behold, I will avenge his blood upon you; yea, and I will come upon you with my armies, for I fear not your threatenings.

18 For behold, your fathers did wrong their brethren, insomuch that they did rob them of their right to the government, when it rightly belonged to them.

19 And now behold, if ye will lay down your arms, and subject yourselves to be governed by those to whom the government doth rightly belong, then will I cause that my people shall lay down their weapons, and shall be at war no more.

20 Behold, ye have breathed out many threatenings against me and my people; but behold, we fear not your threatenings;

21 Nevertheless, I will grant to exchange prisoners according to your request, gladly, that I may preserve my food for my men of war;

22 And we will wage a war which shall be eternal, either to the subjecting the Nephites to our authority, or to their eternal extinction.

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