Scripture Context

Alma 25:34 - Alma 25:44

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34 And when it was evening, Laman went to the guards who were over the Nephites, and behold, they saw him coming, and they hailed him.

35 But he saith unto them, Fear not. Behold, I am a Lamanite. Behold we have escaped from the Nephites, and they sleepeth; and behold, we have taken of their wine, and brought with us.

36 Now when the Lamanites heard these words, they received him with joy. And they said unto him, Give us of your wine, that we may drink; we are glad that ye have thus taken wine with you, for we are weary.

37 But Laman said unto them, Let us keep of our wine, till we go against the Nephites to battle. But this saying only made them more desirous to drink of the wine.

38 For, said they, We are weary, therefore let us take of the wine, and by and by we shall receive wine for our rations, which will strengthen us to go against the Nephites. And Laman said unto them, You may do according to your desires.

39 And it came to pass that they did take of the wine freely, and it was pleasant to their taste; therefore they took of it more freely; and it was strong, having been prepared in its strength.

40 And it came to pass that they did drink and were merry, and by and by they were all drunken.

41 And now when Laman and his men saw that they were all drunken, and were in a deep sleep, they returned to Moroni, and told him all the things that had happened. And now this was according to the design of Moroni.

42 And Moroni had prepared his men with weapons of war; and he sent to the city of Gid, while the Lamanites were in a deep sleep, and drunken, and cast in the weapons of war in unto the prisoners, insomuch that they were all armed; yea, even to their women, and all those of their children, as many as were able to use a weapon of war; when Moroni had armed those prisoners.

43 And all those things were done in a profound silence. But had they awakened the Lamanites, behold they were drunken and the Nephites could have slain them.

44 But behold, this was not the desire of Moroni. He did not delight in murder or bloodshed; but he delighted in the saving of his people from destruction; and for this cause he might not bring upon him injustice, he would not fall upon the Lamanites and destroy them in their drunkenness.

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