Scripture Context

DC 17:2a - DC 17:3d

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2a After it was truly manifested unto this first elder that he had received a remission of his sins, he was entangled again in the vanities of the world;

2b but after repenting, and humbling himself, sincerely, through faith, God ministered unto him by an holy angel whose countenance was as lightning, and whose garments were pure and white above all other whiteness,

2c and gave unto him commandments which inspired him, and gave him power from on high, by the means which were before prepared, to translate the Book of Mormon,

2d which contains a record of a fallen people, and the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, and to the Jews also, which was given by inspiration,

2e and is confirmed to others by the ministering of angels, and is declared unto the world by them, proving to the world that the Holy Scriptures are true,

2f and that God does inspire men and call them to his holy work in this age and generation, as well as in generations of old,

2g thereby showing that he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

3a Therefore, having so great witnesses, by them shall the world be judged, even as many as shall hereafter come to a knowledge of this work;

3b and those who receive it in faith and work righteousness, shall receive a crown of eternal life;

3c but those who harden their hearts in unbelief and reject it, it shall turn to their own condemnation, for the Lord God has spoken it;

3d and we, the elders of the church, have heard and bear witness to the words of the glorious Majesty on high, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

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