Scripture Context

DC 24:3c - DC 26:1c

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3c And it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads. Wherefore, lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made.

4a Continue in the spirit of meekness, and beware of pride. Let thy soul delight in thy husband, and the glory which shall come upon him.

4b Keep my commandments continually, and a crown of righteousness thou shalt receive. And except thou do this, where I am thou canst not come.

4c And verily, verily I say unto you, that this is my voice unto all. Amen.

DC 25
Intro: SECTION 25 Revelation given through Joseph Smith at Harmony, Pennsylvania, in July 1830, to Joseph Smith, Jr., Oliver Cowdery, and John Whitmer. It is specifically important because of its affirmation of the principle of "common consent" in the government of the church.

1a Behold, I say unto you, that you shall let your time be devoted to the studying of the Scriptures, and to preaching, and to confirming the church at Colesville; and to performing your labors on the land, such as is required, until after you shall go to the west, to hold the next conference; and then it shall be made known what you shall do.

1b And all things shall be done by common consent in the church, by much prayer and faith; for all things you shall receive by faith. Amen.

DC 26
Intro: SECTION 26 The first paragraph of this revelation was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., early in August 1830 at Harmony, Pennsylvania, and was written down at that time. It was given through the personal ministry of a "heavenly messenger" as Joseph was seeking wine for the Sacrament which he and his wife and John Whitmer (Joseph's secretary at the time) wished to share with Newel Knight and his wife. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Knight had just been confirmed. The "Book of Commandments" gives the date of this revelation as September 4, 1830. This was probably when the later paragraphs of the revelation were received.

1a Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Lord, your God, and your Redeemer, whose word is quick and powerful.

1b For, behold, I say unto you, that it mattereth not what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, when ye partake of the sacrament, if it so be that ye do it with an eye single to my glory;

1c remembering unto the Father my body which was laid down for you, and my blood which was shed for the remission of your sins;

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