Scripture Context

DC 87:0 - DC 87:5a

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DC 87
Intro: SECTION 87 Revelation received through Joseph Smith, Jr., March 8, 1833, at Kirtland, Ohio. By virtue of this revelation, the First Presidency was fully constituted for the first time in this dispensation. Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams, who are named here, were ordained under the hands of Joseph Smith, March 18, 1833, to be counselors in the First Presidency and in the Presidency of the High Priesthood.

1a Thus saith the Lord, Verily I say unto thee, my son, Thy sins are forgiven thee, according to thy petition, for thy prayers and the prayers of thy brethren have come up into my ears;

1b therefore thou art blessed from henceforth that bear the keys of the kingdom given unto thee; which kingdom is coming forth for the last time.

2a Verily I say unto you, The keys of this kingdom shall never be taken from you, while thou art in the world, neither in the world to come; nevertheless, through you shall the oracles be given to another; yea, even unto the church.

2b And all they who receive the oracles of God, let them beware how they hold them, lest they are accounted as a light thing, and are brought under condemnation thereby; and stumble and fall, when the storms descend, and the winds blow, and the rains descend, and beat upon their house.

3a And again, verily I say unto thy brethren Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams, their sins are forgiven them also, and they are accounted as equal with thee in holding the keys of this last kingdom;

3b as also through your administration the keys of the school of the prophets, which I have commanded to be organized, that thereby they may be perfected in their ministry for the salvation of Zion, and of the nations of Israel, and of the Gentiles, as many as will believe,

3c that through your administration, they may receive the word, and through their administration, the word may go forth unto the ends of the earth, unto the Gentiles first, and then, behold, and lo, they shall turn unto the Jews;

3d and then cometh the day when the arm of the Lord shall be revealed in power in convincing the nations, the heathen nations, the house of Joseph, of the gospel of their salvation.

4 For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fullness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them, for the revelation of Jesus Christ.

5a And now, verily I say unto you, I give unto you a commandment, that you continue in the ministry and presidency, and when you have finished the translation of the prophets, you shall from henceforth preside over the affairs of the church and the school;

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