Scripture Context

DC 90:6d - DC 90:11

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6d But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth,

6e but verily I say unto you, my servant Frederick G. Williams, You have continued under this condemnation; you have not taught your children light and truth, according to the commandments, and that wicked one hath power, as yet, over you, and this is the cause of your affliction.

6f And now a commandment I give unto you, if you will be delivered: you shall set in order your own house, for there are many things that are not right in your house.

7 Verily I say unto my servant Sidney Rigdon, that in some things he hath not kept the commandments, concerning his children; therefore, firstly set in order thy house.

8a Verily I say unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jr., or, in other words, I will call you friends, for you are my friends, and you shall have an inheritance with me.

8b I called you servants for the world's sake, and you are their servants for my sake; and now verily I say unto Joseph Smith, Jr., You have not kept the commandments, and must needs stand rebuked before the Lord.

8c Your family must needs repent and forsake some things, and give more earnest heed unto your sayings, or be removed out of their place.

8d What I say unto one I say unto all: Pray always, lest that wicked one have power in you, and remove you out of your place.

9 My servant Newel K. Whitney, also a bishop of my church, hath need to be chastened, and set in order his family, and see that they are more diligent and concerned at home, and pray always, or they shall be removed out of their place.

10 Now I say unto you, my friends, Let my servant Sidney Rigdon go his journey, and make haste, and also proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the gospel of salvation, as I shall give him utterance, and by your prayer of faith with one consent, I will uphold him.

11 And let my servants Joseph Smith, Jr., and Frederick G. Williams, make haste also, and it shall be given them even according to the prayer of faith; and inasmuch as you keep my sayings, you shall not be confounded in this world, nor in the world to come.

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