Scripture Context

DC 92:1f - DC 93:1a

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DC 92
1f that your fastings and your mourning might come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, which is, by interpretation, the Creator of the first day; the beginning and the end.

2a Yea, verily I say unto you, I gave unto you a commandment, that you should build an house, in the which house I design to endow those whom I have chosen with power from on high, for this is the promise of the Father unto you;

2b therefore, I commanded you to tarry, even as mine apostles at Jerusalem; nevertheless my servants sinned a very grievous sin; and contentions arose in the school of the prophets, which was very grievous unto me, saith your Lord; therefore I sent them forth to be chastened.

3a Verily I say unto you, It is my will that you should build an house; if you keep my commandments, you shall have power to build it; if you keep not my commandments the love of the Father shall not continue with you; therefore you shall walk in darkness.

3b Now here is wisdom and the mind of the Lord: let the house be built, not after the manner of the world, for I give not unto you, that ye shall live after the manner of the world;

3c therefore let it be built after the manner which I shall show unto three of you, whom ye shall appoint and ordain unto this power.

3d And the size thereof shall be fifty and five feet in width, and let it be sixty-five feet in length, in the inner court thereof;

3e and let the lower part of the inner court be dedicated unto me for your sacrament offering, and for your preaching; and your fasting, and your praying, and the offering up your most holy desires unto me, saith your Lord.

3f And let the higher part of the inner court, be dedicated unto me for the school of mine apostles, saith Son Ahman; or, in other words, Alphus; or in other words, Omegus; even Jesus Christ your Lord. Amen.

DC 93
Intro: SECTION 93 A conference of high priests was held at Kirtland, June 4, 1833, to consider the management of the French farm. The conference could not agree concerning the farm, but did agree to ask for divine guidance. Joseph inquired of the Lord and received the following message. Ahashdah (Newel K. Whitney), who was directed to take charge of the farm, was the bishop in Kirtland. "Zombre" was John Johnson.

1a Behold, I say unto you, Here is wisdom whereby ye may know how to act concerning this matter, for it is expedient in me that this stake that I have set for the strength of Zion, should be made strong:

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