Scripture Context

DC 121:4c - DC 122:3a

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4c "And this should be agreeable to the elders in charge of the branch and the district, who should ever be willing to aid such ministration; and this should be without jealousy on either part."

5a The following also received in 1885, is added by direction of the conference of 1894:

5b "My servants of the Seventy may select from their number seven; of which number those now being of the seven presidents of Seventy shall be a part; who shall form the presidency of seven presidents of Seventy as provided in my law."

6a The foregoing was accepted as proper instruction, and the conference acted upon it as such; but the word received was not presented to the quorums, nor acted upon by them as is the usual custom of the church in regard to revelations received for the guidance of the church.

6b It is given here as having been acquiesced in by all, in answer to prayer and decisive upon the matters referred to.

DC 122
Intro: SECTION 122 During the General Conference of 1894 the First Presidency, the Quorum of Twelve, and the Quorum of High Priests held a joint meeting at which they discussed their respective callings and responsibilities. A report of this Council was submitted to the Conference, but since the Twelve felt that the report did not cover all the issues under consideration they adopted a resolution requesting President Smith to "ask for further revelation in explanation of the authority and duties of the several quorums and their members, also for instruction providing for filling the vacancies in the leading quorums, including a designation of the Patriarch, if it shall be the pleasure of our heavenly Father to so enlighten us." The revelation given to President Smith, April 15, 1894, at Lamoni, Iowa, in answer to the petitions of the Saints, was endorsed by the quorums and the Conference, but it was not until the General Conference of 1897 that its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants was authorized. I was, on the fifteenth day of the fourth month, of the year 1894, in fasting and prayer before the Lord, and being commanded of the Spirit I arose from my praying and wrote: Thus saith the Spirit unto the elders and the church:

1a My servants have been harsh one with another; and some have not been sufficiently willing to hear those whose duty it is to teach the revelations which my church has already received.

1b Until my people shall hear and heed those who are set in the church to teach the revelations there will be misunderstanding and confusion among the members.

2a The burden of the care of the church is laid on him who is called to preside over the high priesthood of the church, and on those who are called to be his counselors;

2b and they shall teach according to the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and as they shall be directed by revelation, from time to time.

3a It is the duty of the Twelve to preach the gospel, and administer in the ordinances thereof, as is directed in the Scriptures which ye have received.

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