Scripture Context

DC 122:6d - DC 122:8b

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6d nevertheless, that portion of that commandment which made it the duty of the high council to assist in looking after the poor and needy of the church, was not intended to put the high council over the bishop in the administration of the affairs of his office and calling,

6e except as they might do so in an advisory manner, and in such way that no one of the poor and the needy should be neglected;

6f nor was it designed that the high council should dictate in the matter of purchasing lands, building houses of worship, building up the New Jerusalem, and the gathering of the people,

6g these last named being within the province of the Presidency, the Twelve as a quorum, the councils or other officers of the branches or stakes where houses of worship are to be built, the conferences and the general assembly of the church, and the direction of the Lord by revelation.

6h The high council could not in justice dictate to the Bishop in direction in any of these matters and then try and condemn and punish him if he did not obey.

7a The work now lying before the missionary quorums of the church is of such increased magnitude and importance--the field so white unto the harvest, and the need for laborers so great--that the Twelve and the Seventy under their direction, together with such high priests, and elders as can travel and preach as missionaries, shall be free to wait upon their ministry in gospel work,

7b leaving the branches and districts where organization is effected to the care and administration of the standing ministers, high priest, elders, priests, teachers, and deacons, so far as possible;

7c thus freeing these spiritual authorities and leaving them at liberty to push the preaching of the word into the new fields now widening before them;

7d in which work, if they will but now take counsel, saith the spirit, they shall feel a peace and vigor of mind surpassing what they have enjoyed in the past.

8a That part of the law which says: "It is the duty of the Twelve, also, to ordain and set in order all the other officers of the church," is to be understood by the revelation which went before and in accordance with which it was written; and which follows after it in the book;

8b and when those officers are ordained and set in their order, in the church, they should be left to administer in the things unto which they were ordained, having charge of the affairs over which they are called and set apart to preside;

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