Scripture Context

DC 123:7 - DC 123:14b

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7 Resolved that it is the opinion of this council that there is nothing in the resolution of April, 1893, on church history, that should in any way interfere with the preparation and publication of an authentic church history by the church.

8 Resolved, further, that it is the opinion of this council that church history, both ancient and modern, may be freely used as a means of information, for what the same may be worth. DISCUSSIONS IN HERALD

9 Whereas there seems to be a demand for a publication that may be a medium for more progressive and controversial articles for the good of the body than can be supplied by the Herald, therefore be it,

10 Resolved that the board of publication be requested to provide for such want as soon as practicable and without injury or interference with the circulation of the Herald. UTAH CHURCH

11a The present attitude of the Utah Church was discussed and the council informally expressed itself as of the opinion that the ministry should boldly stand as aggressors or defensors everywhere where the questions at issue between the two churches were introduced.

11b The Presidency received unmistakable assurance of support in their efforts to direct such controversy as might be invited by contingencies arising. LOCATING IN REGIONS ROUND ABOUT

12 Resolved that all parties wishing to change their location be recommended to correspond with the Bishopric for information. PRESIDING COUNCILS

13a Resolved that it is the opinion of this joint council, that the words "presiding councils" in the fourth and seventh paragraphs of section 120 (of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants) refer to the traveling ministry--the Twelve and Seventy.

13b From this decision President W.W. Blair dissented. DOCTRINAL TRACTS

14a Resolved that the members of the Quorum of Twelve and the Presidency be requested to write tracts on such gospel topics as each may select, all of which shall be placed in the hands of the Presidency for examination;

14b said tracts, when approved, to be placed in the hands of the board of publication to be issued as soon as possible. DIRECTING LABOR OF HIGH PRIESTS

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