Scripture Context

DC 125:6a - DC 125:11b

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6a Other evangelical ministers beside the Presiding Patriarch have similar duties in the districts where they are appointed.

6b Revelations have been given, as my people know, that these men should receive ordination, but hitherto those upon whom this burden has lain have neglected, for the reason that they did not understand the duties and prerogatives that attach to the office. Let my servants take heed and hesitate no longer.

7a My servant was directed to present to the church rules of representation, and he so stated to the body at different times that he was so led; but the conferences of my people saw proper to change these articles and rules of representation, and propositions are pending that they be still further changed.

7b The direction of the Spirit is that they be left as they now are until such time as the increased numbers of the members of the church shall require either an enlargement of the number entitled to delegate, or that there may be a closer line drawn as to the number of delegates which the church shall require to meet.

8 The word elders used in the law signifies those holding the Melchisedec priesthood only; all classes and orders of this priesthood are characterized by the word elder.

9 The only qualification for delegates chosen by the branches or districts should be membership and good standing, it being given by the Spirit that those other than the eldership should be represented in this way.

10a My people are directed to establish two stakes; one at Independence, one at Lamoni, Iowa, organizing them after the pattern which is found in the law; a presiding high priest with counselors, a high council, and a bishop and his counselors.

10b These stakes shall be made to comprise the boundaries of the districts as they now stand, the center at the towns and places named;

10c and the majority of the councils that should be chosen should be residents of the places named, in order that there may ever be a sufficient body to transact the business required.

11a It is the duty of the church to provide tracts in the Scandinavian, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese languages, and others, as the missions may require;

11b these tracts to be written by those in the ministry and those of the brothers who are not of the ministry who have a talent for writing, and to be submitted to the Presidency before being published.

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