Scripture Context

DC 127:4a - DC 127:7d

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4a In the establishment of the sanitarium and the home for children, debt should not be contracted nor too large nor expensive buildings be built at the outset.

4b Those to whom this work is assigned should exercise the necessary degree of wisdom that the work be effectual for the intent and purposes designed.

5a It is necessary that some one or more be sent to the South Sea Islands. The heaving of the sea beyond its bounds has been trying to the faith of many of the Saints in that far-off region.

5b They should be visited and comforted and encouraged.

5c Some one of experience and knowledge of the situation should be sent, accompanied by another, who should be prepared to make a stay of years, if necessary, in the mission to those islands.

5d My servant Joseph F. Burton, though aged, will be an efficient officer and representative of the faith, and, choosing some one to go with him, may be intrusted with this difficult mission.

6 It is the will of the Lord that the mission to Utah and the west should be continued, and suitable representatives of the church be sent and maintained there under the conditions prevailing at the present time. It is essential that the church have proper representatives there.

7a As the Saints have heretofore been instructed in reference to the gathering, they are now again admonished that the gathering must not be in haste, nor without due preparation,

7b and must be done in accordance with the revelation given to the church upon Fishing River and in accordance with the counsel and advice of the elders of the church whose duty it has been made to counsel and advise the Saints.

7c The spirit of speculation, the exhibition of greed for gain is unseemly in the Saints and officers of the church, and should be avoided. It has the appearance of evil.

7d Heed should be paid to the admonitions of those who from time to time preach and write upon the gathering to remove the principle of selfishness from the hearts of the Saints and especially from those upon whom rests the burden of the church and its ministrations abroad.

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