Scripture Context

DC 141:5 - DC 142:1a

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5 The hastening time is upon us; the period until the next General Conference, as already provided, must be one of unusual preparation for my church as an organization, for my people, and especially for my priesthood if there shall be those who will be qualified to assume and to carry the responsibilities of those who fall or fail or who are released.

6a Let the Seventies under appointment as far as practicable relieve my servants of the Quorum of Twelve from labor in outlying or undeveloped areas, and let the Twelve seek to perfect the work in regions closer to the Center, opening up the work in new places.

6b In these labors, the standing ministers, and especially district and stake authorities, are called to assist.

6c Many of the elders not under appointment have a desire and will labor in new places if requested and given responsibility.

7a The unity and spirit of tolerance evidenced by my servants in the councils of the church are commended of me.

7b Each should strive prayerfully for sustained and greater devotion to the work whereunto he is called.

7c My servants should not become weary of well-doing. The adversary is quick to discourage and thus destroy their effectiveness.

8a The church is admonished again that joint responsibility is laid on all.

8b Properly and equally borne, this responsibility will insure success, and the consummation will be glorious, and all will share in that glory.

DC 142
Intro: SECTION 142 Revelation presented by President Israel A. Smith to the General Conference on April 2, 1950. It was considered and approved by the quorums and the Conference and accepted as the word of God to the church. Provision was made for its inclusion in future editions of the Doctrine and Covenants. In an introductory paragraph, the prophet said: "We approach the general Conference with a vacancy in our official circle. The death of President Garver left the Quorum of the First Presidency incomplete. This and other conditions have given me grave concern for the church. "I have earnestly sought divine guidance, and it is with gratitude that I am able to transmit through the appointed channels that which the voice of inspiration directs me to say:" To the Elders and to the Church:

1a It is wisdom that the leading quorums should be filled. Therefore, to take the place of my servant John F. Garver, whose sacrifices and labor were acceptable to me,

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