Scripture Context

2 Chronicles 13:19 - 2 Chronicles 14:6

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19 And Abijah pursued after Jeroboam, and took cities from him, Beth-el with the towns thereof, and Jeshanah with the towns thereof, and Ephraim with the towns thereof.

20 Neither did Jeroboam recover strength again in the days of Abijah; and the Lord struck him, and he died.

21 But Abijah waxed mighty, and married fourteen wives, and begat twenty and two sons, and sixteen daughters.

22 And the rest of the acts of Abijah, and his ways, and his sayings, are written in the story of the prophet Iddo.

2 Chronicles 14
Intro: Asa destroyeth idolatry, overthroweth Zerah, and spoileth the Ethiopians.

1 So Abijah slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of David; and Asa his son reigned in his stead. In his days the land was quiet ten years.

2 And Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God;

3 For he took away the altars of the strange gods, and the high places, and brake down the images, and cut down the groves;

4 And commanded Judah to seek the Lord God of their fathers, and to do the law and the commandment.

5 Also he took away out of all the cities of Judah the high places and the images; and the kingdom was quiet before him.

6 And he built fenced cities in Judah; for the land had rest, and he had no war in those years; because the Lord had given him rest.

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