Scripture Context

Psalms 83:8 - Psalms 83:18

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8 Assur also is joined with them; they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.

9 Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kishon;

10 Which perished at En-dor; they became as dung for the earth.

11 Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb; yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna;

12 Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession.

13 O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind.

14 As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire;

15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.

16 Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O Lord.

17 Let them be confounded and troubled forever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish.

18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth.

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