Scripture Context

Matthew 5:1 - Matthew 5:11

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Matthew 5
1 And Jesus, seeing the multitudes, went up into a mountain; and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him;

2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

3 Blessed are they who shall believe on me; and again, more blessed are they who shall believe on your words, when ye shall testify that ye have seen me and that I am.

4 Yea, blessed are they who shall believe on your words, and come down into the depth of humility, and be baptized in my name; for they shall be visited with fire and the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a remission of their sins.

5 Yea, blessed are the poor in spirit, who come unto me; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

6 And again, blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.

7 And blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.

8 And blessed are all they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.

9 And blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.

10 And blessed are all the pure in heart; for they shall see God.

11 And blessed are all the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.

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