Scripture Context

DC 3:3f - DC 3:7c

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3f and thus he causeth them to catch themselves in their own snare; and thus he goeth up and down, to and fro in the earth, seeking to destroy the souls of men.

4 Verily, verily I say unto you, Woe be unto him that lieth to deceive, because he supposes that another lieth to deceive, for such are not exempt from the justice of God.

5 Now, behold, they have altered those words, because Satan saith unto them, He hath deceived you; and thus he flattereth them away to do iniquity, to get thee to tempt the Lord thy God.

6a Behold, I say unto you, that you shall not translate again those words which have gone forth out of your hands; for, behold, they shall not accomplish their evil designs in lying against those words.

6b For, behold, if you should bring forth the same words they will say that you have lied; that you have pretended to translate, but that you have contradicted yourself;

6c and, behold, they will publish this, and Satan will harden the hearts of the people to stir them up to anger against you, that they will not believe my words.

6d Thus Satan thinketh to overpower your testimony in this generation, that the work may not come forth in this generation;

6e but, behold, here is wisdom, and because I show unto you wisdom, and give you commandments concerning these things, what you shall do, show it not unto the world until you have accomplished the work of translation.

7a Marvel not that I said unto you, Here is wisdom, show it not unto the world; for I said, Show it not unto the world, that you may be preserved.

7b Behold, I do not say that you shall not show it unto the righteous; but as you can not always judge the righteous, or as you can not always tell the wicked from the righteous;

7c therefore, I say unto you, Hold your peace until I shall see fit to make all things known unto the world concerning the matter.

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