Scripture Context

DC 122:4a - DC 122:6b

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4a It is not yet expedient in me that the Quorum of the Presidency, and the Quorum of the Twelve apostles shall be filled, for reasons which will be seen and known unto you in due time.

4b My servant David H. Smith is yet in my hand and I will do my will in the time for its accomplishment. Be not troubled or fearful in this matter for it shall be well for my work in the end.

5a When I said unto mine apostles, "The Twelve will take measures in connection with the bishop, to execute the law of tithing; and let them before God see to it, that the temporal means so obtained is truly used for the purposes of the church, and not as a weapon of power in the hands of one man for the oppression of others, or for purposes of self-aggrandizement by anyone, be he whomsoever he may be";

5b the one whom I had called to preside over the church, had not yet approved himself unto the scattered flock; and I gave this command unto the quorum next in authority in spiritual things that the scattered ones, and those who had been made to suffer might have assurance that I would not suffer that he whom I had called should betray the confidence of the faithful, nor squander the moneys of the treasury for the purposes of self.

5c And for the reason that the law of tithing was but little understood, and would not be observed, unless it should be taught, and enforced by the precepts of the chief missionaries of the church.

5d It was not then intended, nor is it now, to burden them with the duty of looking after the disbursements of the moneys in the treasury, or the management of the properties of the church;

5e except as it may be at times necessary to do so in council with the Presidency, the high council in case of exigency, the Bishopric, bishops, or bishop's agents abroad, or the conferences; and in accordance with the agreement hitherto made.

5f Whatever burden the quorum may have felt rested upon them in this regard, they are now absolved from, the end designed by it having been reached;

5g except that should it become apparent to the quorum that there was abuse in the administration of the temporal affairs of the church, they shall at once make such inquiry and examination through the proper officers of the church as will correct the evil and save the church from injury.

6a And further the Spirit saith unto you, that "with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day";

6b therefore, the law given to the church in section forty-two, over the meaning of some parts of which there has been so much controversy, is as if it were given today;

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