Scripture Context

DC 123:14a - DC 123:22a

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14a Resolved that the members of the Quorum of Twelve and the Presidency be requested to write tracts on such gospel topics as each may select, all of which shall be placed in the hands of the Presidency for examination;

14b said tracts, when approved, to be placed in the hands of the board of publication to be issued as soon as possible. DIRECTING LABOR OF HIGH PRIESTS

15 Resolved that it is the opinion of this council that high priests, when needed for missionary service abroad, may be appointed by the First Presidency or the Twelve or both jointly, and should labor after such appointment under the direction of the Twelve, the same as Seventies.

16 Resolved, further, that when high priests are acting in their own standing as local presidents, they are subject to the direction and counsel of members of both the First Presidency and the Twelve, whose duty it is to regulate.

17 Resolved, further, that when a necessity occurs for changing men or placing new men in the field, between conferences, to meet special exigencies, those making the appointment should notify the ministers in charge of the fields affected, if practicable, so as to avoid irregularity or possible conflict. GOSPEL BOAT

18 Resolved as the opinion of this joint council, that Brother E.L. Kelley should proceed to San Francisco at the earliest possible time and secure the proposed boat for the Society Islands. DETROIT BRANCH

19 Resolved that we advise that the colored members in Detroit, Michigan, be organized in a separate branch as soon as practicable. BISHOP'S COUNCIL

20 After some deliberation the consensus of opinion of the council was secured to the effect that the words "the Bishop and his council" found in paragraph 6 of the revelation of 1894, mean the Bishop and his two counselors, and a vote obtained in support of such understanding. PRESIDENTS OF HIGH COUNCIL

21a The following was adopted by regular vote:

21b It is our opinion that the counselors referred to in paragraph 6, section 99, are the counselors of the President in the Presidency of the church, but whether or not under certain circumstances the President would not be privileged to call others to assist him, is a query. COUNSEL TO BE HONORED

22a Resolved that it is the opinion of this council that the statements found in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the revelation of 1894 should be understood in the same sense as paragraph 3 of the revelation of 1882 and paragraph 4 of the revelation of 1890,

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