Scripture Context

DC 124:7d - DC 125:4b

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7d and to their sons shall come honor, or shame, as they shall approve, or disapprove themselves to God.

7e These sons of my servants are called, and if faithful shall in time be chosen to places whence their fathers shall fall, or fail, or be removed by honorable release before the Lord and the church.

8a The Spirit saith further unto the church, Be of good cheer.

8b It has pleased the Father to accept many of the sacrifices of his people; and, notwithstanding some have fallen while engaged in their work; some have been tried, and are still tried; some have been and are afflicted, yet the Lord has seen the affliction and trial and will accept and bless, and no man shall lose his reward.

DC 125
Intro: SECTION 125 Revelation given through Joseph Smith III, April 15, 1901, at Independence, Missouri. This revelation was unusual in that --- for the first time --- the inspired message was presented to the General Conference without prior consideration by the quorums. Joseph explained that he was "bidden" to follow this procedure. The Conference referred the document to the quorums. After the quorums had reported favorably, it was approved by the body. At the same time it was ordered to be included in the Doctrine and Covenants. STATEMENT AND REVELATION

1 The successor of my servant W. W. Blair is with the body, but the conditions are not ripe for this addition to the presidency; but it shall be made in due time. In the meantime, let the presidency continue as at present constituted.

2 To fill this vacancy I was instructed to present the name of "my servant Peter Andersen."

3a The patriarch is an evangelical minister. The duties of this office are to be an evangelical minister; to preach, teach, expound, exhort, to be a revivalist, and to visit branches and districts as wisdom may direct, invitation, request, or the Spirit of God determine and require;

3b to comfort the Saints; to be a father to the church; to give counsel and advice to individuals who may seek for such; to lay on hands for the conferment of spiritual blessing, and if so led, to point out the lineage of the one who is blessed.

4a He is to be free from responsibility--ministerial--as a traveling minister, and from the care of the local branch or church and district affairs.

4b When traveling and preaching, holding revival meetings, he is to labor in connection with the branch and district officers, not subject to the ministerial control of the missionary in charge, except he should transcend his bounds and teach false doctrine or be found in transgression.

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