Scripture Context

DC 127:0 - DC 127:4a

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DC 127
Intro: SECTION 127 In the first decade of the twentieth century, the establishment of the Independence and Lamoni stakes (1901) and the kingdom concern of President Frederick M. Smith combined with other favorable factors to quicken church-wide interest in the Gathering. The building of Zionic institutions is vital to any significant gathering. By 1906 Graceland College had weathered her fist ten difficult years, the Saints' Home was giving good ministry, and leading women were showing interest in a children's home. At the pre-Conference sessions of April 1906, the First Presidency recommended to the Quorum of Twelve that a sanitarium be established with Dr. Joseph Luff of that quorum as its presiding officer. The Twelve favored the basic proposal, but expressed concern regarding the assignment of an apostle to the responsibilities proposed for Dr. Luff. The Quorum stated that they would "gladly engage in an effort to learn the Master's will" in this matter. The prayerful inquiries resulting from this action prepared the way for the following revelation given through President Joseph Smith. It was presented to the General Conference, April 14, 1906, at Independence, Missouri, and accepted by unanimous vote. Thus saith the Spirit unto the Church:

1a It is the will of the Lord that a sanitarium, a place of refuge and help for the sick and afflicted, be established by the church, at Independence, Missouri, as my servant Joseph Smith has already stated to you.

1b This should be done as soon as it is found to be practicable, and without unnecessary delay.

1c The Presiding Bishop and his counselors and the Bishopric of the Independence Stake should take counsel together in locating and establishing this sanitarium.

2a It is also expedient that these should be assisted by the advice and counsel of one of my servants who is acquainted with the laws of health and the practice of medicine, and who may have charge when the institution is established.

2b It is in accordance with the instruction given to my servant Joseph Smith that my servant Joseph Luff, who has been giving his attention to the study of medicine and has been preparing himself for usefulness in this direction, be associated with this sanitarium as a medical director and physician to the church and be put in charge,

2c that he may be an assistant to those who seek the aid of this institution of the church, in his spiritual office and his calling as a physician,

2d with those who from time to time may be called to administer in laying hands upon the afflicted and sick, where they may be removed from the influences and environments unfavorable to the exercise of proper faith unto the healing of the sick.

2e And this my servant Joseph Luff may do and retain and exercise his apostleship.

3 There should also be a home for children established, and the efforts of the Daughters of Zion should be approved and carried unto completion as soon as is consistent with the necessary demands of the work of the church in other directions.

4a In the establishment of the sanitarium and the home for children, debt should not be contracted nor too large nor expensive buildings be built at the outset.

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