Helaman 4:65 And behold, if a man hideth up a treasure in the earth, And the Lord shall say, "Let it be
accursed because of the iniquity of him that hath hid it up" - Behold, it shall be
Helaman 4:66 And if the Lord shall say, "Be thou
accursed! that no man shall find thee from this time henceforth and forever" - And behold, no man getteth it henceforth and forever.
Helaman 4:67 And behold, if the Lord shalt say unto a man, "Because of thine iniquities, thou shalt be
accursed forever!" - And it shall be done.
Ether 1:102 "And he that will contend against the word of the Lord, let him be
accursed; And he that shall deny these things, let him be
accursed; For unto them will I show no greater things, " saith Jesus Christ, "for I Am He which speaketh.