RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Fathers
Verses Found: 172

Title Page 1:6 Which is to show unto the remnant of the house of Israel how great things the Lord hath done for their fathers, And that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever.

1 Nephi 1:82 "And behold, it is wisdom in God that we should obtain these records, that we might preserve unto our children the language of our fathers,

1 Nephi 1:100 "Therefore, let us go up; Let us be strong like unto Moses, For he truly spake unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided hither and thither and our fathers came through out of captivity on dry ground, And the armies of Pharaoh did follow and were drowned in the waters of the Red Sea.

1 Nephi 1:102 "Let us go up; The Lord is able to deliver us, even as our fathers, And to destroy Laban, even as the Egyptians."

1 Nephi 1:164 And it came to pass that my father Lehi also found upon the plates of brass a genealogy of his fathers;

1 Nephi 1:167 And thus my father Lehi did discover the genealogy of his fathers;

1 Nephi 1:168 And Laban also was a descendant of Joseph; Wherefore, he and his fathers had kept the records.

1 Nephi 2:1 And now I, Nephi, do not give the genealogy of my fathers in this part of my record, Neither at any time shall I give it after upon these plates which I am writing, for it is given in the record which has been kept by my father; Wherefore, I do not write it in this work,

1 Nephi 4:18 And then shall they know and come to the knowledge of their forefathers, And also to the knowledge of the gospel of their Redeemer which was ministered unto their fathers by Him;

1 Nephi 5:103 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, spake unto them, saying: "Do ye believe that our fathers, which were the children of Israel, would have been led away out of the hands of the Egyptians if they had not hearkened unto the words of the Lord?

1 Nephi 5:118 "And now do ye suppose that the children of this land - which were in the Land of Promise, which were driven out by our fathers - do ye suppose that they were righteous? Behold, I say unto you, Nay.

1 Nephi 5:119 "Do ye suppose that our fathers would have been more choice than they, if they had been righteous?

1 Nephi 5:124 And the Lord did curse the land against them and bless it unto our fathers; Yea, He did curse it against them unto their destruction,

1 Nephi 5:125 And He did bless it unto our fathers unto their obtaining power over it.

1 Nephi 5:132 Behold, He loved our fathers, And He covenanted with them, yea, even Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, And He remembered the covenants which He had made;

1 Nephi 5:239 And the God of our fathers, which were led out of Egypt out of bondage, and also were preserved in the wilderness by Him,

1 Nephi 5:253 "Nevertheless, when that day cometh, " saith the prophet, "that they no more turn aside their hearts against the Holy One of Israel, Then will He remember the covenants which He made to their fathers;

1 Nephi 6:53 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, And their queens thy nursing mothers; They shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet. And thou shalt know that I Am the Lord, For they shall not be ashamed that wait for Me."

1 Nephi 7:13 "Nevertheless, after that they have been nursed by the Gentiles and the Lord hath lifted up His hand upon the Gentiles and set them up for a standard - And their children shall be carried in their arms, And their daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders; Behold, these things of which are spoken are temporal, For thus are the covenants of the Lord with our fathers;

2 Nephi 2:12 "And unto him will I give commandment that he shall do a work for the fruit of thy loins, his brethren, which shall be of great worth unto them, Even to the bringing of them to the knowledge of the covenants which I have made with thy fathers;

2 Nephi 2:22 And bringing them to the knowledge of their fathers in the latter days,

2 Nephi 2:43 And the weakness of their words will I make strong in their faith, unto the remembering of My covenant which I made unto thy fathers.'

2 Nephi 5:19 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, And their queens thy nursing mothers;

2 Nephi 7:12 But behold, thus saith the Lord God: "When the day cometh that they shall believe in Me, that I Am Christ, Then have I covenanted with their fathers that they shall be restored in the flesh upon the earth unto the lands of their inheritance.

2 Nephi 7:15 Yea, the kings of the Gentiles shall be nursing fathers unto them, And their queens shall become nursing mothers."

2 Nephi 8:10 And also my soul delighteth in the covenants of the Lord which He hath made to our fathers;

2 Nephi 10:43 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquities of their fathers, that they do not rise, Nor possess the land, Nor fill the face of the world with cities.

2 Nephi 12:82 And the gospel of Jesus Christ shall be declared among them; Wherefore, they shall be restored unto the knowledge of their fathers, And also to the knowledge of Jesus Christ which was had among their fathers.

2 Nephi 15:5 And the things which I have written in weakness will He make strong unto them, for it persuadeth them to do good; It maketh known unto them of their fathers, And it speaketh of Jesus, and persuadeth men to believe in Him, and to endure to the end, which is life eternal,

Jacob 2:58 And their unbelief and their hatred toward you is because of the iniquity of their fathers; Wherefore, how much better are you than they in the sight of your great Creator?

Jacob 2:61 But ye shall remember your own filthiness and remember that their filthiness came because of their fathers;

Jacob 3:2 But whatsoever things we write upon anything, save it be upon plates, must perish and vanish away, But we can write a few words upon plates which will give our children, and also our beloved brethren, a small degree of knowledge concerning us, or concerning their fathers.

Enos 1:22 And they swore in their wrath that if it were possible they would destroy our records and us, and also all the traditions of our fathers.

Enos 1:28 And the Lord said unto me: "Thy fathers have also required of Me this thing; And it shall be done unto them according to their faith, for their faith was like unto thine."

Omni 1:5 Yea, and in fine, two hundred and eighty and two years had passed away; And I had kept these plates according to the commandments of my fathers and I conferred them upon my son Amaron; And I make an end.

Omni 1:8 For the Lord would not suffer - after He had led them out of the Land of Jerusalem and kept and preserved them from falling into the hands of their enemies - Yea, He would not suffer that the words should not be verified which He spake unto our fathers, saying that, "Inasmuch as ye will not keep My commandments, ye shall not prosper in the land."

Omni 1:12 And after this manner we keep the records, for it is according to the commandments of our fathers; And I make an end.

Omni 1:33 And it came to pass that after they were taught in the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla gave a genealogy of his fathers according to his memory; And they are written, but not in these plates.

Omni 1:38 It also spake a few words concerning his fathers,

Jarom 1:3 For what could I write more than my fathers have written?

Jarom 1:22 But the word of the Lord was verified which He spake unto our fathers, saying that, "Inasmuch as ye will keep My commandments, ye shall prosper in the land."

Jarom 1:32 And I deliver these plates into the hands of my son Omni, that they may be kept according to the commandments of my fathers.

Words of Mormon 1:6 And the things which are upon these plates pleasing me because of the prophecies of the coming of Christ, And my fathers knowing that many of them have been fulfilled,

Mosiah 1:3 And he caused that they should be taught in all the language of his fathers, that thereby they might become men of understanding, And that they might know concerning the prophecies which had been spoken by the mouths of their fathers, which were delivered them by the hand of the Lord.

Mosiah 1:7 "I say unto you my sons, were it not for these things which have been kept and preserved by the hand of God, that we might read and understand of His mysteries and have His commandments always before our eyes, That even our fathers would have dwindled in unbelief;

Mosiah 1:8 And we should have been like unto our brethren, the Lamanites, which know nothing concerning these things, Or even do not believe them when they are taught them, because of the traditions of their fathers which are not correct.

Mosiah 1:10 And behold, also the plates of Nephi which contain the records and the sayings of our fathers from the time they left Jerusalem until now - and they are true; And we can know of their surety because we have them before our eyes.

Mosiah 1:12 And I would that ye should keep the commandments of God, that ye may prosper in the land according to the promises which the Lord made unto our fathers."

Mosiah 1:20 And He will no more preserve them by His matchless and marvelous power, as He hath hitherto preserved our fathers;

Mosiah 1:21 For I say unto you, that if He had not extended His arm in the preservation of our fathers, they must have fallen into the hands of the Lamanites and become victims to their hatred."

Mosiah 1:24 And also the sword of Laban, And the ball, or director, which led our fathers through the wilderness, which was prepared by the hand of the Lord that thereby they might be led, everyone according to the heed and diligence which they gave unto Him -

Mosiah 1:77 to render to Him all that you have and are; And also have been taught concerning the records which contain the prophecies which hath been spoken by the holy prophets, even down to the time our father Lehi left Jerusalem, And also all that hath been spoken by our fathers until now;

Mosiah 2:26 Neither will ye suffer that they transgress the laws of God and fight and quarrel one with another and serve the devil which is the master of sin - or which is the evil spirit which hath been spoken of by our fathers, he being an enemy to all righteousness -

Mosiah 5:12 And he saith unto them: "Behold, I am Limhi, the son of Noah, which was the son of Zeniff - which came up out of the Land of Zarahemla to inherit this land, which was the land of their fathers - which was made a king by the voice of the people.

Mosiah 5:30 "And again, that same God hath brought our fathers out of the Land of Jerusalem and hath kept and preserved His people, even until now.

Mosiah 5:32 And ye all are witnesses this day that Zeniff who was made king over this people, he being overzealous to inherit the land of his fathers,

Mosiah 6:6 And yet I, being overzealous to inherit the land of our fathers, collected as many as were desirous to go up to possess the land and started again on our journey into the wilderness to go up to the land; But we were smitten with famine and sore afflictions, for we were slow to remember the Lord our God;

Mosiah 6:7 Nevertheless, after many days wandering in the wilderness, we pitched our tents in the place where our brethren were slain, which was near to the land of our fathers.

Mosiah 6:21 For I and my people did cry mightily to the Lord that He would deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, For we were awakened to a remembrance of the deliverance of our fathers.

Mosiah 6:30 And it came to pass that we did inherit the land of our fathers for many years, yea, for the space of twenty and two years;

Mosiah 6:45 Yet they were a strong people as to the strength of men. They were a wild and ferocious and a bloodthirsty people, believing in the tradition of their fathers, which is this:

Mosiah 6:46 Believing that they were driven out of the Land of Jerusalem because of the iniquities of their fathers, And that they were wronged in the wilderness by their brethren; And they were also wronged while crossing the sea;

Mosiah 7:76 And it came to pass that one of them saith unto him: "What meaneth the words which are written and which have been taught by our fathers, saying:

Mosiah 7:114 "And again: 'Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, For I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me, And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me and keep My commandments.

Mosiah 11:88 And it came to pass that when those which were the children of Amulon and his brethren - which had taken to wife the daughters of the Lamanites - They were displeased with the conduct of their fathers,

Mosiah 11:89 And they would no longer be called by the names of their fathers; Therefore, they took upon themselves the name of Nephi, that they might be called the children of Nephi and be numbered among those which were called Nephites.

Mosiah 11:105 Now it came to pass that there were many of the rising generation that could not understand the words of King Benjamin, being little children at the time he spake unto his people, And they did not believe the tradition of their fathers;

Mosiah 11:174 "Now I say unto thee, Go, And remember the captivity of thy fathers in the Land of Helam and in the Land of Nephi, And remember how great things He hath done for them, for they were in bondage and He hath delivered them.

Mosiah 11:194 "I rejected my Redeemer and denied that which had been spoken of by our fathers.

Mosiah 12:2 That they might preach the things which they had heard and that they might impart the word of God to their brethren, the Lamanites, That perhaps they might bring them to the knowledge of the Lord their God and convince them of the iniquity of their fathers;

Mosiah 13:20 And whosoever hath committed iniquity, him have I punished according to the crime which he hath committed, according to the law which hath been given to us by our fathers.

Mosiah 13:34 Therefore, choose you by the voice of this people, judges, that ye may be judged according to the laws which hath been given you by our fathers, which are correct, And which were given them by the hand of the Lord.

Alma 1:82 And except we make haste, they obtain possession of our city, and our fathers and our wives and our children be slain."

Alma 1:104 And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, Which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren which consisted of Nephi, Jacob and Joseph and Sam, which were just and holy men.

Alma 1:109 And it came to pass that whosoever would not believe in the tradition of the Lamanites, But believed those records which were brought out of the Land of Jerusalem, and also in the tradition of their fathers, which were correct, Which believed in the commandments of God and kept them, Were called the Nephites, or the people of Nephi, from that time forth;

Alma 3:8 "And now behold I say unto you my brethren, you that belong to this church, Have you sufficiently retained in remembrance the captivity of your fathers?

Alma 3:25 "And behold, he preached the word unto your fathers, And a mighty change was also wrought in their hearts, And they humbled themselves and put their trust in the true and living God.

Alma 3:40 Yea, his garments must be purified until they are cleansed from all stain through the blood of Him of whom it hath been spoken by our fathers which should come to redeem His people from their sins.

Alma 3:74 Yea, I am commanded to stand and testify unto this people the things which have been spoken by our fathers concerning the things which are to come.

Alma 3:81 "And moreover I say unto you, that as it has thus been revealed unto me that the words which have been spoken by our fathers are true,

Alma 4:9 And Alma went and began to declare the word of God unto the church which was established in the Valley of Gideon, According to the revelation of the truth of the word which had been spoken by his fathers,

Alma 7:8 And I stood with boldness to declare unto them, yea, I did boldly testify unto them, saying: "Behold, O ye wicked and perverse generation, How have ye forgotten the tradition of your fathers? Yea, how soon ye have forgotten the commandments of God!

Alma 7:11 And have ye forgotten so soon how many times He delivered our fathers out of the hands of their enemies and preserved them from being destroyed, even by the hands of their own brethren?

Alma 7:21 "For it is because of the traditions of their fathers that causes them to remain in their state of ignorance, Therefore, the Lord will be merciful unto them and prolong their existence in the land;

Alma 7:22 And at some period of time they will be brought to believe in His word and to know of the incorrectness of the traditions of their fathers;

Alma 10:26 "And it shall be made known unto just and holy men by the mouth of angels at the time of His coming, That the words of our fathers might be fulfilled according to that which they have spoken concerning Him, which was according to the spirit of prophecy which was in them.

Alma 12:16 To the knowledge of the baseness of the traditions of their fathers, which were not correct.

Alma 12:25 Thus they were a very indolent people, many of whom did worship idols; And the curse of God had fallen upon them because of the traditions of their fathers, Notwithstanding the promises of the Lord were extended unto them on the conditions of repentance.

Alma 12:69 Now this is the Great Spirit of which our fathers have spoken."

Alma 12:116 And he also rehearsed unto them - for it was unto the king and to his servants - all the journeyings of their fathers in the wilderness, And all their sufferings with hunger and thirst and their travail, etc.

Alma 12:196 Behold, he robbed our fathers, And now his children are also come amongst us that they may by their cunning and their lyings deceive us, that they again may rob us of our property."

Alma 13:12 We do not believe that thou knowest of things to come; Neither do we believe that thy fathers and also that our fathers did know concerning the things which they spake, of that which is to come."

Alma 13:22 And it came to pass that the Lord began to bless them insomuch that they brought many to the knowledge of the truth, Yea, they did convince many of their sins and of the tradition of their fathers which were not correct.

Alma 13:41 And the king saith: "Is God that Great Spirit that brought our fathers out of the Land of Jerusalem?"

Alma 14:5 Therefore, he sent this proclamation throughout the land unto his people that the word of God might have no obstruction, But that it might go forth throughout all the land that his people might be convinced concerning the wicked traditions of their fathers,

Alma 14:29 Now these are the words which he said unto the people concerning the matter: "I thank my God, my beloved people, that our great God has in goodness sent these our brethren, the Nephites, unto us to preach unto us and to convince us of the traditions of our wicked fathers.

Alma 14:65 Therefore, they began to disbelieve the traditions of their fathers and to believe in the Lord and that He gave great power unto the Nephites, And thus there were many of them converted in the wilderness.

Alma 14:107 Do ye suppose that ye can convince the Lamanites of the incorrectness of the traditions of their fathers, as stiff-necked a people as they are? Whose hearts delighteth in the shedding of blood? Whose days have been spent in the grossest iniquity? Whose ways have been the ways of a transgressor from the beginning?'

Alma 15:40 Yea, the cry of widows mourning for their husbands, and also of fathers mourning for their sons, and the daughter for the brother, yea, the brother for the father;

Alma 15:63 Yea, and I also remember the captivity of my fathers, For I surely do know that the Lord did deliver them out of bondage and by this did establish His church; Yea, the Lord God - the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob - did deliver them out of bondage;

Alma 15:64 Yea, I have always remembered the captivity of my fathers, And that same God who delivered them out of the hands of the Egyptians did deliver them out of bondage, Yea, and that same God did establish His church among them.

Alma 16:15 "Behold, these things which ye call prophecies, which ye say are handed down by holy prophets, Behold, they are foolish traditions of your fathers; How do ye know of their surety?

Alma 16:17 "Ye look forward and say that ye see a remission of your sins; But behold, it is the effects of a frenzied mind, And this derangement of your minds comes because of the tradition of your fathers which lead you away into a belief of things which are not so."

Alma 16:28 And Korihor saith unto him: "Because I do not teach the foolish traditions of your fathers, And because I do not teach this people to bind themselves down under the foolish ordinances and performances which are laid down by ancient priests to usurp power and authority over them, To keep them in ignorance that they may not lift up their heads, but be brought down according to thy words.

Alma 16:33 And ye say also that He shall be slain for the sins of the world."And thus ye lead away this people after the foolish traditions of your fathers and according to your own desires.

Alma 16:39 And he did rise up in great swelling words before Alma, And did revile against the priests and teachers, accusing them of leading away the people after the silly traditions of their fathers for the sake of glutting by the labors of the people.

Alma 16:91 "Holy God, we believe that Thou hast separated us from our brethren; And we do not believe in the traditions of our brethren which was handed down to them by the childishness of their fathers, But we believe that Thou hast elected us to be Thy holy children;

Alma 17:2 I would that ye should do as I have done in remembering the captivity of our fathers, For they were in bondage and none could deliver them except it was the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, And He surely did deliver them in their afflictions.

Alma 17:26 And I know that He will raise me up at the last day to dwell with Him in glory. Yea, and I will praise Him forever! For He hath brought our fathers out of Egypt - And He hath swallowed up the Egyptians in the Red Sea - And He led them by His power into the Promised Land,

Alma 17:27 Yea, and He hath delivered them out of bondage and captivity from time to time, Yea, and He hath also brought our fathers out of the Land of Jerusalem, And He hath also, by His everlasting power, delivered them out of bondage and captivity from time to time, even down to the present day;

Alma 17:33 And behold, it hath been prophesied by our fathers that they should be kept and handed down from one generation to another and be kept and preserved by the hand of the Lord, Until they shall go forth unto every nation, kindred, tongue and people, that they shall know of the mysteries contained thereon.

Alma 17:38 Yea, I say unto you, were it not for these things that these records do contain, which are on these plates, Ammon and his brethren could not have convinced so many thousands of the Lamanites of the incorrect tradition of their fathers;

Alma 17:48 For He will fulfill all His promises which He shall make unto you, For He hath fulfilled His promise which He hath made unto our fathers,

Alma 17:71 And now, my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the thing which our fathers call a ball or director, Or our fathers called it "liahona, " which is, being interpreted, a "compass, " And the Lord prepared it;

Alma 17:73 And behold, it was prepared to show unto our fathers the course which they should travel in the wilderness. And it did work for them according to their faith in God;

Alma 17:78 And now my son, I would that ye should understand that these things are not without a shadow; For as our fathers were slothful to give heed to this compass - now these things were temporal - they did not prosper, Even so it is with things which are spiritual;

Alma 17:79 For behold, it is as easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you a strait course to eternal bliss, As it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass, which would point unto them a strait course to the Promised Land.

Alma 17:80 And now I say, is there not a type in this thing? For just assuredly as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the Promised Land, Shall the word of Christ, if we follow its course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better Land of Promise.

Alma 17:81 O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way, for so was it with our fathers; For so was it prepared for them - that if they would look, they might live - even so it is with us.

Alma 20:51 And they were doing that which they felt it was the duty which they owed to their God, For the Lord had said unto them, and also unto their fathers that, "Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense, neither the second, Ye shall not suffer yourselves to be slain by the hands of your enemies."

Alma 22:41 Nevertheless, he had refused Alma to take possession of those records and those things which were esteemed by Alma and his fathers to be most sacred; Therefore, Alma had conferred them upon his son Helaman.

Alma 25:18 "For behold, your fathers did wrong their brethren, insomuch that they did rob them of their right to the government when it rightfully belonged unto them.

Alma 25:25 "I am Ammaron and a descendant of Zoram whom your fathers pressed and brought out of Jerusalem. And behold, I am now a bold Lamanite.

Alma 26:6 "And now ye also know concerning the covenant which their fathers made that they would not take up their weapons of war against their brethren to shed blood;

Alma 26:30 "And now it came to pass in the second month of this year, there was brought unto us many provisions from the fathers of those my two thousand sons;

Alma 26:56 "Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; And they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; Yea, they had been taught by their mothers that if they did not doubt, that God would deliver them;

Alma 26:157 And those cities which had been taken by the Lamanites, all of them are at this period of time in our possession; And our fathers and our women and our children are returning to their homes, All, save it be those which have been taken prisoners and carried off by the Lamanites.

Alma 27:38 "Have ye forgot the commandments of the Lord your God? Yea, have ye forgot the captivity of our fathers?

Alma 27:51 "Behold, can you suppose that the Lord will spare you and come out in judgment against the Lamanites, when it is the tradition of their fathers that hath caused their hatred?

Helaman 2:26 Yea, we see that whosoever will lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, Which shall divide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the devil, And lead the man of Christ in a strait and narrow course across that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked, And land their souls, yea, their immortal souls, at the right hand of God in the kingdom of heaven, To sit down with Abraham and Isaac and with Jacob and with all our holy fathers to go no more out.

Helaman 2:70 "And now my sons, behold, I have somewhat more to desire of you, Which desire is that ye may not do these things that ye may boast, But that ye may do these things to lay up for yourselves a treasure in heaven, Yea, which is eternal and which fadeth not away; Yea, that ye may have that precious gift of eternal life, which ye have reason to suppose hath been given to our fathers.

Helaman 2:81 Therefore, they did speak unto the great astonishment of the Lamanites to the convincing them, Insomuch that there were eight thousand of the Lamanites which were in the Land of Zarahemla and round about baptized unto repentance, And were convinced of the wickedness of the traditions of their fathers.

Helaman 2:116 And as many as were convinced did lay down their weapons of war, and also their hatred, and the tradition of their fathers.

Helaman 3:44 Therefore, he was constrained to speak more unto them, saying: "Behold, my brethren, have ye not read that God gave power unto one man - even Moses - to smite upon the waters of the Red Sea? And they parted hither and thither, insomuch that the Israelites, which were our fathers, came through upon dry ground? And the waters closed upon the armies of the Egyptians and swallowed them up?

Helaman 3:46 "But behold, ye not only deny my words, But ye also deny all the words which hath been spoken by our fathers, And also the words which were spoken by this man Moses which had such great power given unto him, Yea, the words which he hath spoken concerning the coming of Messiah.

Helaman 3:59 Nephi also testified of these things, and also almost all of our fathers, even down to this time; Yea, they have testified of the coming of Christ and have looked forward and have rejoiced in His day which is to come.

Helaman 5:34 "And now when ye talk, ye say, 'If our days had been in the days of our fathers of old, We would not have slain the prophets; We would not have stoned them and cast them out.'

Helaman 5:91 "But behold, my brethren, the Lamanites hath He hated because their deeds have been evil continually, And this because of the iniquity of the tradition of their fathers.

Helaman 5:95 "And behold, ye do know of yourselves - for ye have witnessed it - That as many of them as are brought to the knowledge of the truth and to know of the wicked and abominable traditions of their fathers and are led to believe the holy scriptures,

Helaman 5:101 Yea, even if they should dwindle in unbelief, the Lord shall prolong their days until the time shall come which hath been spoken of by our fathers - And also by the prophet Zenos, and many other prophets - Concerning the restoration of our brethren the Lamanites again, to the knowledge of the truth.

Helaman 5:106 "For behold, had the mighty works been shown unto them which have been shown unto you - Yea, unto them which have dwindled in unbelief because of the traditions of their fathers - Ye can see of yourselves that they never would again have dwindled in unbelief;

Helaman 5:132 "But behold, we know that this is a wicked tradition which has been handed down unto us by our fathers to cause us that we should believe in some great and marvelous thing which should come to pass, But not among us, but in a land which is far distant, a land which we know not;

3 Nephi 1:11 And it came to pass that he went out and bowed himself down upon the earth and cried mightily to his God in behalf of his people, yea, those which were about to be destroyed because of their faith in the tradition of their fathers.

3 Nephi 2:103 I have reason to bless my God and my Savior Jesus Christ - That He brought our fathers out of the Land of Jerusalem - and no one knew it, save it were Himself and those which He brought out of that land - And that He hath given me and my people so much knowledge unto the salvation of our souls.

3 Nephi 4:59 But if not, O house of Israel, The place of your dwellings shall become desolate until the time of the fulfilling of the covenant to your fathers."

3 Nephi 9:63 And behold, ye are the children of the prophets; And ye are of the house of Israel; And ye are of the covenant which the Father made with your fathers, saying unto Abraham: ' And in thy Seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed '-

3 Nephi 9:68 That I would give unto them again the land of their fathers for their inheritance, Which is the Land of Jerusalem, which is the Promised Land unto them forever, ' saith the Father.

3 Nephi 11:10 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from Mine ordinances and have not kept them. Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, ' saith the Lord of Hosts. 'But ye say, "Wherein shall we return?"

3 Nephi 11:27 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.'"

3 Nephi 12:7 And it came to pass that He did teach and minister unto the children of the multitude of whom hath been spoken; And He did loose their tongues, And they did speak unto their fathers great and marvelous things - even greater than He had revealed unto the people - And loosed their tongues that they could utter.

4 Nephi 1:43 And they did teach their children that they should not believe, even as their fathers from the beginning did dwindle;

4 Nephi 1:44 And it was because of the wickedness and abominations of their fathers, even as it was in the beginning;

Mormon 2:45 For behold, the Spirit of the Lord hath already ceased to strive with their fathers, And they are without Christ and God in the world, And they are driven about as chaff before the wind.

Mormon 3:7 And it came to pass that when we had gathered in all our people in one to the Land of Cumorah, Behold, I, Mormon, began to be old; And knowing it to be the last struggle of my people, And having been commanded of the Lord that I should not suffer that the records which had been handed down by our fathers, which were sacred, to fall into the hands of the Lamanites - for the Lamanites would destroy them -

Mormon 3:20 O ye fair sons and daughters, ye fathers and mothers, ye husbands and wives, ye fair ones, How is it that ye could have fallen!

Mormon 3:22 And then ye must stand before the judgment seat of Christ to be judged according to your works; And if it so be that ye are righteous, then are ye blessed with your fathers which have gone before you.

Mormon 3:24 And now behold, I would speak somewhat unto the remnant of this people which are spared, If it so be that God may give unto them my words, that they may know of the things of their fathers; Yea, I speak unto you, ye remnant of the house of Israel, And these are the words which I speak: Know ye that ye are of the house of Israel!

Mormon 3:27 Know ye that ye must come to the knowledge of your fathers and repent of all your sins and iniquities and believe in Jesus Christ, That He is the Son of God and that He was slain by the Jews, And by the power of the Father He hath risen again, Whereby He hath gained the victory over the grave. And also in Him is the sting of death swallowed up;

Mormon 3:31 For behold, this is written for the intent that ye may believe that; And if ye believe that, ye will believe this also; And if ye believe this, ye will know concerning your fathers, and also the marvelous works which were wrought by the power of God among them.

Mormon 4:55 Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain? And cause that widows should mourn before the Lord? And also orphans to mourn before the Lord? And also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground for vengeance upon your heads?

Ether 1:112 Yea, when ye shall call upon the Father in My name with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, Then shall ye know that the Father hath remembered the covenant which He made unto your fathers, O house of Israel -

Ether 3:36 And it came to pass that Orihah did walk humbly before the Lord, And did remember how great things the Lord had done for his father, And also taught his people how great things the Lord had done for their fathers.

Ether 3:66 And there were no more wars in the days of Shule; And he remembered the great things that the Lord had done for his fathers in bringing them across the great deep into the Promised Land; Wherefore, he did execute judgment in righteousness all his days.

Ether 3:80 Hath he not read the record which our fathers brought across the great deep?

Ether 4:44 And it came to pass that Shez did remember the destruction of his fathers; And he did build up a righteous kingdom, for he remembered what the Lord had done in bringing Jared and his brother across the deep; And he did walk in the ways of the Lord; And he begat sons and daughters;

Ether 4:113 And that the Lord God would send or bring forth another people to possess the land by His power, after the manner which He brought their fathers;

Ether 5:7 Wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, For ye receive no witness - not until after the trial of your faith. For it was by faith that Christ showed Himself unto our fathers after that He had risen from the dead;

Ether 5:22 And it is by faith that my fathers have obtained the promise that these things should come unto their brethren through the Gentiles; Therefore, the Lord hath commanded me, yea, even Jesus Christ.

Moroni 7:26 And assuredly as Christ liveth, He spake these words unto our fathers, saying: "Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in My name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, Behold, it shall be done unto you."

Moroni 9:9 And the husbands and fathers of those women and children they have slain, And they feed the women upon the flesh of their husbands and the children upon the flesh of their fathers; And no water, save a little, do they give unto them.

Moroni 9:27 "My son, be faithful in Christ; And may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death, But may Christ lift thee up; And may His sufferings and death, and the showing His body unto our fathers, and His mercy and longsuffering, and the hope of His glory and of eternal life rest in your mind forever;

Moroni 10:17 And Christ truly said unto our fathers: "If ye have faith, ye can do all things which are expedient unto Me."

End of Search Results