RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Faults
Verses Found: 3

Alma 19:20 But rather return unto them and acknowledge your faults and retain that wrong which ye have done; Seek not after riches nor the vain things of this world, For behold, you cannot carry them with you.

3 Nephi 1:31 Yea, the word came unto them that it must be fulfilled, Yea, that one jot nor tittle should not pass away till it should all be fulfilled; Therefore, in this same year were they brought to a knowledge of their error and did confess their faults.

Mormon 4:21 Yea, it shall be brought out of the earth, And it shall shine forth out of darkness and come unto the knowledge of the people, And it shall be done by the power of God; And if there be faults, they be faults of a man.

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