RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

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2 Nephi 12:45 And because My words shall hiss forth, many of the Gentiles shall say: 'A Bible, a Bible, we have got a Bible, And there cannot be any more Bible.'"

2 Nephi 12:53 "Thou fool that shall say, ' A Bible, we have got a Bible and we need no more Bible '!

2 Nephi 13:27 And now my beloved brethren, after that ye have got into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done.

Mosiah 9:78 And now it came to pass that he fought with the king; And when the king saw that he was about to overpower him, he fled and ran and got upon the tower which was near the temple;

Alma 6:10 Now Satan had got great hold upon the hearts of the people of the City of Ammonihah; Therefore, they would not hearken unto the words of Alma.

Alma 8:36 But Amulek stretched forth his hand and cried the mightier unto them, saying: "O ye wicked and perverse generation! Why hath Satan got such great hold upon your hearts?

Alma 8:47 Now the object of these lawyers was to get gain; And they got gain according to their employ.

Alma 11:32 And now, after the church having been established throughout all the land, having got the victory over the devil, And the word of God being preached in its purity in all the land and the Lord pouring out His blessings upon the people,

Alma 21:83 And now he had got the command of those parts of the Lamanites which were in favor of the king, And he sought to gain favor of those which were not obedient.

Alma 25:28 And he said: "Behold, I will not exchange prisoners with Ammaron, save he will withdraw his purpose as I have stated in my epistle; For I will not grant unto him that he shall have any more power than what he hath got.

Alma 28:9 "They have got possession of the Land - or the City of Zarahemla; They have appointed a king over them and he hath written unto the king of the Lamanites - In the which he hath joined an alliance with him,

Helaman 2:32 And it came to pass that the fifty and second year ended in peace also, Save it were the exceeding great pride which had got into the hearts of the people; And it was because of their exceeding great riches and their prosperity in the land; And it did grow upon them from day to day.

Helaman 2:157 And now behold, he had got great hold upon the hearts of the Nephites, Yea, insomuch that they had become exceeding wicked;

Helaman 3:15 "Yea, because I have got upon my tower, that I might pour out my soul unto my God because of the exceeding sorrow of my heart, which is because of your iniquities,

Helaman 3:17 Yea, ye had ought to marvel because ye are given away, that the devil hath got so great hold upon your hearts; Yea, how could ye have given away to the enticing of him who art seeking to hurl away your souls down to everlasting misery and endless wo?

Helaman 5:5 And it came to pass that they would not suffer that he should enter into the city; Therefore, he went and got upon the wall thereof and stretched forth his hand, And cried with a loud voice and prophesied unto the people whatsoever things the Lord put into his heart.

3 Nephi 2:73 And this did they do in the nighttime and got on their march beyond the robbers, So that on the morrow when the robbers began their march, they were met by the armies of the Nephites, both in their front and in their rear;

Ether 3:5 And it came to pass that when they had done all these things, They got aboard of their vessels, or barges, and set forth into the sea, commending themselves unto the Lord their God.

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