RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Interpreted
Verses Found: 5

1 Nephi 5:64 And we beheld the sea which we called Irreantum, which being interpreted is "many waters."

Alma 8:2 And it was that same Aminadi which interpreted the writing which was upon the wall of the temple which was written by the finger of God;

Alma 12:83 And one of the king's servants said unto him: "Rabbanah"-which is, being interpreted, "powerful" or "great king, " considering their kings to be powerful -

Alma 16:97 Now the place was called by them "Rameumptom, " which, being interpreted, is the "holy stand."

Alma 17:71 And now, my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the thing which our fathers call a ball or director, Or our fathers called it "liahona, " which is, being interpreted, a "compass, " And the Lord prepared it;

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