Jacob 1:13 Now the people which were not Lamanites were Nephites; Nevertheless, they were called Nephites, Jacobites, Josephites, Zoramites; Lamanites,
Lemuelites and Ishmaelites;
Alma 21:120 Yea, he was acknowledged king throughout all the land, among all the people of the Lamanites, Which were composed of the Lamanites and the
Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites and all the dissenters of the Nephites, from the reign of Nephi down to the present time.
4 Nephi 1:42 And it came to pass that they which rejected the gospel were called Lamanites and
Lemuelites and Ishmaelites, And they did not dwindle in unbelief, but they did willfully rebel against the gospel of Christ;
Mormon 1:8 And it came to pass that in this year, there began to be a war between the Nephites - which consisted of the Nephites and the Jacobites and the Josephites and the Zoramites - And this war was between the Nephites, and the Lamanites and the
Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites;