RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Limhi
Verses Found: 51

Mosiah 5:12 And he saith unto them: "Behold, I am Limhi, the son of Noah, which was the son of Zeniff - which came up out of the Land of Zarahemla to inherit this land, which was the land of their fathers - which was made a king by the voice of the people.

Mosiah 5:18 And now it came to pass that after Limhi had heard the words of Ammon, he was exceeding glad and said: "Now I know of a surety that my brethren which were in the Land of Zarahemla are yet alive;

Mosiah 5:23 And now King Limhi commanded his guards that they should no more bind Ammon nor his brethren, But caused that they should go to the hill which was north of Shilom and bring their brethren into the city, That thereby they might eat and drink and rest themselves from the labors of their journey,

Mosiah 5:25 And now it came to pass on the morrow that King Limhi sent a proclamation among all his people, That thereby they might gather themselves together to the temple to hear the words which he should speak unto them.

Mosiah 5:53 And it came to pass that after King Limhi had made an end of speaking to his people - for he spake many things unto them and only a few of them have I written in this book - He told his people all the things concerning their brethren which were in the Land of Zarahemla.

Mosiah 5:55 And he also rehearsed unto them the last words which King Benjamin had taught them, and explained them to the people of King Limhi so that they might understand all the words which he spake.

Mosiah 5:56 And it came to pass that after he had done all this, that King Limhi dismissed the multitude and caused that they should return, everyone unto his own house.

Mosiah 9:91 And now there was one of the sons of the king among those that were taken captive whose name was Limhi.

Mosiah 9:92 And now Limhi was desirous that his father should not be destroyed; Nevertheless, Limhi was not ignorant of the iniquities of his father, he himself being a just man.

Mosiah 9:103 And also Limhi, being the son of the king, having the kingdom conferred upon him by the people, made an oath unto the king of the Lamanites that his people should pay tribute unto him, even one half of all they possessed.

Mosiah 9:104 And it came to pass that Limhi began to establish the kingdom and to establish peace among his people.

Mosiah 9:105 And the king of the Lamanites set guards round about the land, that he might keep the people of Limhi in the land, that they might not depart into the wilderness;

Mosiah 9:107 And now King Limhi did have continual peace in his kingdom for the space of two years, that the Lamanites did not molest them nor seek to destroy them.

Mosiah 9:113 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites found that their daughters had been missing, they were angry with the people of Limhi, for they thought it was the people of Limhi;

Mosiah 9:114 Therefore, they sent their armies forth, yea, even the king himself went before his people, And they went up to the Land of Nephi to destroy the people of Limhi.

Mosiah 9:115 And now Limhi had discovered them from the tower - even all their preparations for war did he discover; Therefore, he gathered his people together and laid wait for them in the fields and in the forests.

Mosiah 9:116 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites had come up, that the people of Limhi began to fall upon them from their waiting places and began to slay them.

Mosiah 9:118 And it came to pass that the people of Limhi began to drive the Lamanites before them, yet they were not half so numerous as the Lamanites;

Mosiah 9:121 And they took him and bound up his wounds and brought him before Limhi and said: "Behold, here is the king of the Lamanites; He having received a wound hath fallen among their dead and they have left him, And behold, we have brought him before you; And now, let us slay him!"

Mosiah 9:122 But Limhi saith unto them: "Ye shall not slay him, but bring him hither that I may see him"; And they brought him.

Mosiah 9:123 And Limhi saith unto him: "What cause have ye to come up to war against my people?

Mosiah 9:126 Now Limhi had heard nothing concerning this matter, therefore he saith: "I will search among my people and whosoever hath done this thing shall perish";

Mosiah 9:135 And now Limhi told the king all the things concerning his father and the priests that had fled into the wilderness, And attributed the carrying away of their daughters to them.

Mosiah 9:138 And it came to pass that they did meet the Lamanites; And the king of the Lamanites did bow himself down before them and did plead in behalf of the people of Limhi;

Mosiah 9:139 And when the Lamanites saw the people of Limhi, that they were without arms, They had compassion on them and were pacified toward them and returned with their king in peace to their own land.

Mosiah 9:140 And it came to pass that Limhi and his people returned to the City of Nephi and began to dwell in the land again in peace.

Mosiah 9:142 Now they durst not slay them because of the oath which their king had made unto Limhi; But they would smite them on their cheeks and exercise authority over them, And began to put heavy burdens upon their backs and drive them as they would a dumb ass; Yea, all this was done that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled.

Mosiah 9:148 And now, there was a great mourning and lamentation among the people of Limhi: The widow a mourning for her husband, The son and the daughter a mourning for their father, And the brothers, for their brethren.

Mosiah 9:150 And it came to pass that their continual cries did stir up the remainder of the people of Limhi to anger against the Lamanites,

Mosiah 9:158 Now there was a great number of women, more than there was of men; Therefore, King Limhi commanded that every man should impart to the support of the widows and their children, that they might not perish with hunger; And this they did because of the greatness of their number that had been slain.

Mosiah 9:159 Now the people of Limhi kept together in a body as much as it was possible and secure their grain and their flocks;

Mosiah 9:163 And it came to pass that there was no more disturbance between the Lamanites and the people of Limhi, even until the time that Ammon and his brethren came into the land;

Mosiah 9:166 Now King Limhi had sent, previous to the coming of Ammon, a small number of men to search for the Land of Zarahemla, but they could not find it and they were lost in the wilderness;

Mosiah 9:170 And now Limhi was again filled with joy on learning from the mouth of Ammon that King Benjamin had a gift from God whereby he could interpret such engravings. Yea, and Ammon also did rejoice;

Mosiah 9:175 And now since the coming of Ammon, King Limhi had also entered into a covenant with God, and also many of his people, to serve Him and keep His commandments.

Mosiah 9:176 And it came to pass that King Limhi and many of his people were desirous to be baptized, but there was none in the land that had authority from God;

Mosiah 9:181 And now all the study of Ammon and his people, and King Limhi and his people, was to deliver themselves out of the hands of the Lamanites and from bondage.

Mosiah 10:1 And now it came to pass that Ammon and King Limhi began to consult with the people, how they should deliver themselves out of bondage;

Mosiah 10:4 For the Lamanites being so numerous, that it was impossible for the people of Limhi to contend with them, thinking to deliver themselves out of bondage by the sword.

Mosiah 10:13 And it came to pass that King Limhi caused that his people should gather their flocks together; And he sent the tribute of wine to the Lamanites, and he also sent more wine as a present unto them, And they did drink freely of the wine which King Limhi did send unto them.

Mosiah 10:14 And it came to pass that the people of King Limhi did depart by night into the wilderness with their flocks and their herds, And they went round about the Land of Shilom in the wilderness and bent their course toward the Land of Zarahemla, being led by Ammon and his brethren;

Mosiah 10:17 And it came to pass that Mosiah received them with joy, And he also received their records, and also the records which had been found by the people of Limhi.

Mosiah 10:18 And now it came to pass when the Lamanites had found that the people of Limhi had departed out of the land by night, that they sent an army into the wilderness to pursue them;

Mosiah 11:34 Now the armies of the Lamanites which had followed after the people of King Limhi had been lost in the wilderness for many days;

Mosiah 11:93 And he did exhort the people of Limhi and his brethren, all those that had been delivered out of bondage, that they should remember that it was the Lord that did deliver them.

Mosiah 11:94 And it came to pass that after Alma had taught the people many things and had made an end of speaking to them, that King Limhi was desirous that he might be baptized, And all his people were desirous that they might be baptized also;

Mosiah 12:16 And after having translated and caused to be written the records which were on the plates of gold which had been found by the people of Limhi, which were delivered to him by the hand of Limhi -

Alma 1:12 Now the name of the man was Gideon; And it was him that was an instrument in the hands of God in delivering the people of Limhi out of bondage.

Helaman 2:83 And it came to pass that they were taken by an army of the Lamanites and cast into prison; Yea, even in that same prison in which Ammon and his brethren were cast by the servants of Limhi;

Ether 1:2 And I take mine account from the twenty and four plates which were found by the people of Limhi, which is called the book of Ether;

Ether 6:108 And he went forth and beheld that the words of the Lord had all been fulfilled; And he finished his record - and the hundredth part I have not written - And he had hid them in a manner that the people of Limhi did find them.

End of Search Results