RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Little
Verses Found: 67

1 Nephi 2:55 And I looked to behold from whence it came and I saw the head thereof a little way off;

2 Nephi 2:49 Behold, thou art little; Wherefore, hearken unto the words of thy brother Nephi and it shall be done unto thee even according to the words which I have spoken;

2 Nephi 9:106 For yet a very little while and the indignation shall cease, And Mine anger, in their destruction."

2 Nephi 9:121 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, And the leopard shall lie down with the kid, And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them.

2 Nephi 11:154 "But behold, " saith the Lord of Hosts, "I will show unto the children of men that it is not yet a very little while and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field; And the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest.

2 Nephi 12:10 And there shall also be many which shall say, "Eat, drink and be merry, nevertheless fear God; He will justify in committing a little sin; Yea, lie a little, Take the advantage of one because of his words, Dig a pit for thy neighbor - There is no harm in doing these things;

2 Nephi 12:36 For behold, thus saith the Lord God: "I will give unto the children of men, Line upon line and precept upon precept, Here a little and there a little;

2 Nephi 12:92 And then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb, And the leopard shall lie down with the kid, And the calf and the young lion and the fatling, together; And a little child shall lead them.

Jacob 3:1 Now behold, it came to pass that I, Jacob, having ministered much unto my people in word, And I cannot write but a little of my words because of the difficulty of engraving our words upon plates, And we know that the things which we write upon plates must remain,

Jacob 3:34 "And it came to pass that after many days it began to put forth somewhat a little, young and tender branches; But behold, the main top thereof began to perish.

Jacob 3:70 "But behold, the Servant saith unto Him: 'Let Us prune it and dig about it and nourish it a little longer, that perhaps it may bring forth good fruit unto Thee, that Thou canst lay it up against the season.'

Jacob 3:110 "But behold, the Servant saith unto the Lord of the vineyard: 'Spare it a little longer.'

Jacob 3:111 "And the Lord saith: 'Yea, I will spare it a little longer, for it grieveth Me that I should lose the trees of My vineyard;

Jarom 1:2 And as these plates are small, and as these things are written for the intent of the benefit of our brethren the Lamanites, Wherefore, it must needs be that I write a little; But I shall not write the things of my prophesying, nor of my revelations,

Mosiah 1:76 "I say unto you that there are not any among you, except it be your little children, that have not been taught concerning these things but what knoweth that ye are eternally indebted to your heavenly Father,

Mosiah 1:86 "O all ye old men, and also ye young men and you little children which can understand my words, for I have spoken plain unto you that ye might understand,

Mosiah 1:114 'And even if it were possible that little children could sin, they could not be saved; But I say unto you, they are blessed;

Mosiah 1:118 But men drinketh damnation to their own souls, except they humble themselves and become as little children, And believeth that salvation was and is and is to come, in and through the atoning blood of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent.

Mosiah 1:122 And behold, when that time cometh, none shall be found blameless before God, except it be little children, Only through repentance and faith on the name of the Lord God Omnipotent.

Mosiah 4:2 And it came to pass that there was not one soul, except it were little children, but what had entered into the covenant and had taken upon them the name of Christ.

Mosiah 8:60 "And little children also hath eternal life.

Mosiah 9:61 If he have more abundantly, he should impart more abundantly, And he that hath but little, but little should be required, And to him that hath not, should be given;

Mosiah 11:105 Now it came to pass that there were many of the rising generation that could not understand the words of King Benjamin, being little children at the time he spake unto his people, And they did not believe the tradition of their fathers;

Alma 16:146 Now this is not all - Little children doth have words given unto them many times which doth confound the wise and the learned.

Alma 21:24 For behold, because of their wars with the Lamanites, and the many little dissensions and disturbances which had been among the people, It became expedient that the word of God should be declared among them, Yea, and that a regulation should be made throughout the church;

Alma 26:18 "And now they were determined to conquer in this place, or die; Therefore, you may well suppose that the little force which I brought with me, yea, those sons of mine, gave them great hopes and much joy.

Alma 26:20 "And thus were we favored of the Lord, For had they come upon us in this our weakness, they might have perhaps destroyed our little army; But thus were we favored -

Alma 26:35 Therefore, Antipus ordered that I should march forth with my little sons to a neighboring city, as if we were carrying provisions to a neighboring city;

Alma 26:39 But he did not march forth until I had gone forth with my little army and came near the City Antiparah;

Alma 26:48 Now we were not sufficiently strong to contend with them; Yea, I would not suffer that my little sons should fall into their hands; Therefore, we did continue our march and we took our march into the wilderness.

Alma 26:75 "And it came to pass that in the commencement of the twenty and ninth year, We received a supply of provisions, and also an addition to our army, from the Land of Zarahemla and from the land round about, To the number of six thousand men, besides sixty of the sons of the Ammonites which had come to join their brethren, my little band of two thousand.

Alma 26:78 "And now behold, I will show unto you that we soon accomplished our desire; Yea, with our strong force, or with a part of our strong force, we did surround by night the City Cumeni a little before they were to receive a supply of provisions.

Alma 26:94 "But behold, my little band of two thousand and sixty fought most desperately, Yea, they were firm before the Lamanites and did administer death unto all those who opposed them;

Alma 26:125 But behold, this did not profit us but little, For the Lamanites were also receiving great strength from day to day, and also many provisions. "And thus were our circumstances at this period of time.

Alma 27:48 "Behold, it is time; Yea, the time is now at hand, that except ye do bestir yourselves in the defense of your country and your little ones, the sword of justice doth hang over you - Yea, and it shall fall upon you and visit you even to your utter destruction.

Helaman 2:1 And now it came to pass in the forty and third year of the reign of the judges, There was no contention among the people of Nephi, save it were a little pride which was in the church, Which did cause some little dissensions among the people, Which affairs were settled in the ending of the forty and third year.

Helaman 2:7 And there being but little timber upon the face of the land; Nevertheless, the people which went forth became exceeding expert in the working of cement; Therefore, they did build houses of cement in the which they did dwell.

Helaman 5:124 And there was but little alteration in the affairs of the people, Save it were the people began to be more hardened in iniquity and do more and more of that which was contrary to the commandments of God in the eighty and ninth year of the reign of the judges.

3 Nephi 4:51 "Behold, I have come unto the world to bring redemption unto the world - to save the world from sin; Therefore, whoso repenteth and cometh unto Me as a little child, him will I receive, For of such is the kingdom of God.

3 Nephi 5:39 "And again I say unto you, Ye must repent, and become as a little child, and be baptized in My name, Or ye can in no wise receive these things!

3 Nephi 5:40 "And again I say unto you, Ye must repent, and be baptized in My name, and become as a little child, Or ye can in no wise inherit the kingdom of God!

3 Nephi 6:8 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, Even so will He clothe you, if ye are not of little faith.

3 Nephi 8:5 And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus spoken, He cast His eyes round about again on the multitude, And behold, they were in tears and did look steadfastly upon Him as if they would ask Him to tarry a little longer with them;

3 Nephi 8:12 And it came to pass that He commanded that their little children should be brought,

3 Nephi 8:13 So they brought their little children and sat them down upon the ground round about Him, And Jesus stood in the midst and the multitude gave way till they had all been brought unto Him.

3 Nephi 8:23 And when He had said these words, He wept and the multitude bear record of it; And He took their little children, one by one, and blessed them and prayed unto the Father for them.

3 Nephi 8:24 And when He had done this, He wept again; And He spake unto the multitude and saith unto them: "Behold your little ones!"

3 Nephi 8:25 And as they looked to behold, they cast their eyes toward heaven, And they saw the heavens open, And they saw angels descending out of heaven, as it were, in the midst of fire; And they came down and encircled those little ones about,

3 Nephi 9:20 And it came to pass that Jesus departed out of the midst of them and went a little way off from them and bowed Himself to the earth, And He saith: "Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast given the Holy Ghost unto these whom I have chosen, And it is because of their belief in Me that I have chosen them out of the world;

3 Nephi 9:28 And He turned from them again and went a little way off and bowed Himself to the earth, And He prayed again unto the Father, saying: "Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast purified these which I have chosen because of their faith;

3 Nephi 9:32 And it came to pass that He went again a little way off and prayed unto the Father; And tongue cannot speak the words which He prayed, Neither can be written by man the words which He prayed;

3 Nephi 10:16 In a little wrath I hid My face from thee for a moment; But with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, ' saith the Lord thy Redeemer.

Ether 4:8 And it came to pass that Akish began to be jealous of his son; Therefore, he shut him up in prison and kept him upon a little or no food until he had suffered death.

Ether 5:24 For Thou hast made all this people that they could speak much because of the Holy Ghost which Thou hast given them; And Thou hast made us that we could write but little because of the awkwardness of our hands.

Ether 6:104 And it came to pass that when Coriantumr had leaned upon his sword, that he rested a little, And he smote off the head of Shiz.

Moroni 8:5 For if I have learned the truth, there have been disputations among you concerning the baptizing of your little children.

Moroni 8:9 Behold, I came into the world, not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; The whole need no physician, but they that are sick; Wherefore, little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin; Wherefore, the curse of Adam is taken from them in Me, that it hath no power over them; And the law of circumcision is done away in Me.'

Moroni 8:10 "And after this manner did the Holy Ghost manifest the word of God unto me; Wherefore, my beloved son, I know that it is solemn mockery before God that ye should baptize little children.

Moroni 8:11 "Behold, I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach: Repentance and baptism unto they which are accountable and capable of committing sin; Yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized and humble themselves as their little children, And they shall all be saved with their little children; And their little children need no repentance, neither baptism.

Moroni 8:13 But little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world; If not so, God is a partial God, and also a changeable Being and a respecter to persons; For how many little children have died without baptism?

Moroni 8:14 Wherefore, if little children could not be saved without baptism, these must have gone to an endless hell.

Moroni 8:15 "Behold, I say unto you that he that supposeth that little children needeth baptism is in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity, For he hath neither faith, hope nor charity; Wherefore, should he be cut off while in the thought, he must go down to hell;

Moroni 8:18 "Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; For I fear not what man can do; For perfect love casteth out all fear; And I am filled with charity, which is everlasting love; Wherefore, all children are alike unto me; Wherefore, I love little children with a perfect love; And they are all alike and partakers of salvation;

Moroni 8:20 "Little children cannot repent; Wherefore, it is awful wickedness to deny the pure mercies of God unto them, For they are all alive in Him because of His mercy;

Moroni 8:21 And He that saith that little children needeth baptism denieth the mercies of Christ and setteth at naught the atonement of Him and the power of His redemption;

Moroni 8:25 For behold that all little children are alive in Christ, and also all they that are without the law;

Moroni 9:9 And the husbands and fathers of those women and children they have slain, And they feed the women upon the flesh of their husbands and the children upon the flesh of their fathers; And no water, save a little, do they give unto them.

End of Search Results