RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Loss
Verses Found: 32

1 Nephi 5:22 And it came to pass that as I, Nephi, went forth to slay food, behold, I did break my bow which was made of fine steel; And after that I did break my bow, behold, my brethren were angry with me because of the loss of my bow, for we did obtain no food.

1 Nephi 5:26 Now it came to pass that I, Nephi, having been afflicted with my brethren because of the loss of my bow and their bows having lost their springs, it began to be exceeding difficult, Yea, insomuch that we could obtain no food.

1 Nephi 5:45 And it came to pass that the daughters of Ishmael did mourn exceedingly because of the loss of their father and because of their afflictions in the wilderness;

2 Nephi 11:70 O, the pain and the anguish of my soul for the loss of the slain of my people!

Mosiah 9:151 And they went again to battle, but they were driven back again, suffering much loss;

Alma 2:2 And the people being afflicted, yea, greatly afflicted for the loss of their brethren, And also for the loss of their flocks and herds, And also for the loss of their fields of grain which were trodden underfoot and destroyed by the Lamanites -

Alma 12:125 And his wife and his sons and his daughters mourned over him after the manner of the Lamanites, greatly lamenting his loss.

Alma 14:64 For many of them, after having suffered too much loss and so many afflictions, they began to be stirred up in remembrance of the words which Aaron and his brethren had preached to them in their land;

Alma 15:2 And it came to pass that the Amalekites, because of their loss, were exceeding angry;

Alma 15:48 Yea, and many thousands are mourning for the loss of their kindred because they have reason to fear, according to the promises of the Lord, that they are consigned to a state of endless wo;

Alma 15:49 While many thousands of others truly mourn for the loss of their kindred, yet they rejoice and exult in the hope, yea, and even know, according to the promises of the Lord, that they are raised to dwell at the right hand of God in a state of never - ending happiness.

Alma 16:81 Now the Nephites greatly feared that the Zoramites would enter into a correspondence with the Lamanites and that it would be the means of great loss on the part of the Nephites.

Alma 20:40 But it was more dreadful on the part of the Lamanites, For their nakedness was exposed to the heavy blows of the Nephites with their swords and their scimitars which brought death almost at every stroke, While on the other hand, there was now and then a man fell among the Nephites by their wounds and the loss of blood,

Alma 21:134 Yea, and he was a man who was firm in the faith of Christ - And he had sworn with an oath to defend his people, his rights and his country and his religion, even to the loss of his blood.

Alma 21:181 And it came to pass that they returned to the Land of Nephi to inform their king, Amalickiah, who was a Nephite by birth, concerning their great loss.

Alma 23:13 But notwithstanding their great loss, Amalickiah had gathered together a wonderful, great army, Insomuch that he feared not to come down to the Land of Zarahemla.

Alma 26:98 And we retained our City Cumeni and were not all destroyed by the sword; Nevertheless, we had suffered great loss.

Alma 26:100 "And it came to pass that there were two hundred out of my two thousand and sixty which had fainted because of the loss of blood;

Alma 27:47 "Yea, behold I do not fear your power nor your authority, But it is my God whom I fear; And it is according to His commandments that I do take my sword to defend the cause of my country; And it is because of your iniquity that we have suffered so much loss.

Alma 29:30 Thus had Moroni and Pahoron obtained the possession of the City of Nephihah without the loss of one soul; And there were many of the Lamanites which were slain.

Alma 30:19 And also in this same year, they came down with a numerous army to war against the people of Moronihah, or against the army of Moronihah, In the which they were beaten and driven back again to their own lands, suffering great loss.

Helaman 2:44 Now this great loss of the Nephites, and the great slaughter which was among them, would not have happened had it not been for their wickedness and their abomination which was among them; Yea, and it was among those also which professed to belong to the church of God.

3 Nephi 4:54 And after these sayings there was silence in the land for the space of many hours, For so great was the astonishment of the people that they did cease from lamenting and howling for the loss of their kindreds which had been slain; Therefore, there was silence in all the land for the space of many hours.

3 Nephi 4:60 And now it came to pass that after the people had heard these words, Behold, they began to weep and howl again because of the loss of their kindreds and friends.

Mormon 3:19 "Behold, if ye had not done this, ye would not have fallen; But behold, ye are fallen and I mourn your loss;

Ether 3:77 And now Jared became exceeding sorrowful because of the loss of the kingdom, for he had set his heart upon the kingdom and upon the glory of the world.

Ether 6:71 Now the loss of men, women and children on both sides was so great that Shiz commanded his people that they should not pursue the armies of Coriantumr; Wherefore, they returned to their camp.

Ether 6:81 And it came to pass that they fought an exceeding sore battle, In the which Coriantumr was wounded again and he fainted with the loss of blood.

Ether 6:88 And it came to pass that when it was night, they were weary and retired to their camps; And after that they had retired to their camps, they took up a howling and a lamentation for the loss of the slain of their people; And so great were their cries, their howlings and lamentations, that it did rend the air exceedingly.

Ether 6:90 Nevertheless, they conquered not; And when the night came again, they did rend the air with their cries and their howlings and their mournings for the loss of the slain of their people.

Ether 6:100 And it came to pass that they fought for the space of three hours, And they fainted with the loss of blood.

Ether 6:103 And it came to pass that when they had all fallen by the sword, save it were Coriantumr and Shiz, Behold, Shiz had fainted with loss of blood.

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