RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Ordinances
Verses Found: 8

2 Nephi 11:57 And inasmuch as it shall be expedient, ye must keep the performances and ordinances of God until the law shall be fulfilled which was given unto Moses.

Mosiah 8:7 Therefore, there was a law given them, yea, a law of performances and ordinances, A law which they were to observe strictly from day to day to keep them in remembrance of God and their duty toward Him.

Alma 10:9 "Now these ordinances were given after this manner, that thereby the people might look forward on the Son of God, it being a type of His order, or it being His order;

Alma 16:4 And they were strict in observing the ordinances of God according to the law of Moses, for they were taught to keep the law of Moses until it should be fulfilled;

Alma 16:28 And Korihor saith unto him: "Because I do not teach the foolish traditions of your fathers, And because I do not teach this people to bind themselves down under the foolish ordinances and performances which are laid down by ancient priests to usurp power and authority over them, To keep them in ignorance that they may not lift up their heads, but be brought down according to thy words.

3 Nephi 11:10 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from Mine ordinances and have not kept them. Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, ' saith the Lord of Hosts. 'But ye say, "Wherein shall we return?"

3 Nephi 11:17 Ye have said, "It is vain to serve God; And what doth it profit that we have kept His ordinances, And that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of Hosts?

4 Nephi 1:13 And they did not walk anymore after the performances and ordinances of the law of Moses, But they did walk after the commandments which they had received from their Lord and their God, Continuing in fasting and prayer and in meeting together oft, both to pray and to hear the word of the Lord.

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