RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Rear
Verses Found: 8

Alma 20:38 And it came to pass that as the Lamanites had passed the Hill Riplah and came into the valley and began to cross the River Sidon, The army, which was concealed on the south of the hill, who was led by a man whose name was Lehi, And he led his army forth and encircled the Lamanites about on the east in their rear.

Alma 20:39 And it came to pass that the Lamanites, when they saw the Nephites coming upon them in their rear, turned them about and began to contend with the army of Lehi; And the work of death commenced on both sides,

Alma 24:37 Now the Lamanites did not know that Moroni had been in their rear with his army, And all they feared was Lehi and his men.

Alma 24:45 And Lehi pressed upon their rear with such fury with his strong men that the Lamanites in the rear delivered up their weapons of war, And the remainder of them, being much confused, knew not whether to go or to strike.

Alma 26:25 For we knew in those cities they were not sufficiently strong to meet them; Therefore, we were desirous - if they should pass by us - to fall upon them in their rear, And thus bring them up in the rear at the same time they were met in the front;

Alma 26:62 "And it came to pass that the Lamanites took courage and began to pursue them; And thus were the Lamanites pursuing them with great vigor when Helaman came upon their rear with his two thousand and began to slay them exceedingly, Insomuch that the whole army of the Lamanites halted and turned upon Helaman.

Alma 26:63 "Now when the people of Antipus saw that the Lamanites had turned them about, They gathered together their men and came again upon the rear of the Lamanites.

3 Nephi 2:73 And this did they do in the nighttime and got on their march beyond the robbers, So that on the morrow when the robbers began their march, they were met by the armies of the Nephites, both in their front and in their rear;

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