RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

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Verses Found: 10

Enos 1:33 And many of them did eat nothing, save it was raw meat; And they were continually seeking to destroy us.

Mosiah 11:162 And now it came to pass that while he was going about to destroy the church of God - for he did go about secretly with the sons of Mosiah, seeking to destroy the church and to lead astray the people of the Lord contrary to the commandments of God, or even the king -

Mosiah 13:59 For they did not look upon him as a tyrant who was seeking for gain, yea, for that lucre which doth corrupt the soul,

Alma 17:5 Now behold, I say unto you, if I had not been born of God, I should not have known these things; But God hath by the mouth of His holy angel made these things known unto me, Not of any worthiness of myself, for I went about with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church of God; But behold, God sent His holy angel to stop us by the way;

Alma 21:32 And Amalickiah was desirous to be a king, And those people which were wroth were also desirous that he should be their king; And they were - the greater part of them - the lower judges of the land, And they were seeking for power;

Alma 27:35 "But behold, now the Lamanites are coming upon us, And they are murdering our people with the sword, yea, our women and our children, Taking possession of our lands, and also carrying them away captive, Causing them that they should suffer all manner of afflictions; And this because of the great wickedness of those who are seeking for power and authority, yea, even those Kingmen.

Alma 27:36 "But why should I say much concerning this matter? For we know not but what ye yourselves are a seeking for authority; We know not but what ye are also traitors to your country;

Helaman 3:17 Yea, ye had ought to marvel because ye are given away, that the devil hath got so great hold upon your hearts; Yea, how could ye have given away to the enticing of him who art seeking to hurl away your souls down to everlasting misery and endless wo?

Moroni 8:33 "But behold, I fear lest the Spirit hath ceased striving with them; And in this part of the land they are also seeking to put down all power and authority which cometh from God, And they are denying the Holy Ghost;

Moroni 9:24 For I know that they must perish, except they repent and return unto Him; And if they perish, it will be like unto the Jaredites, because of the willfulness of their hearts, seeking for blood and revenge;

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