RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Slain
Verses Found: 138

1 Nephi 1:21 And when the Jews heard these things, they were angry with him, Yea, even as with the prophets of old whom they had cast out and stoned and slain;

1 Nephi 1:129 And he supposing that I spake of the brethren of the church and that I was truly that Laban whom I had slain, wherefore, he did follow me;

1 Nephi 1:132 And they fled from before my presence, For they supposed it was Laban and that he had slain me and had sought to take away their lives also.

1 Nephi 3:15 And after that they had slain the Messiah which should come, And after that He had been slain, He should rise from the dead and should make Himself manifest by the Holy Ghost unto the Gentiles.

1 Nephi 3:87 And I, Nephi, saw that He was lifted up upon the cross and slain for the sins of the world;

1 Nephi 3:88 And after that He was slain I saw the multitudes of the earth, that they were gathered together to fight against the apostles of the Lamb, for thus were the twelve called by the angel of the Lord;

1 Nephi 3:151 And I beheld the Spirit of the Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles, that they did prosper and obtain the land for their inheritance; And I beheld that they were white and exceeding fair and beautiful, like unto my people before that they were slain.

1 Nephi 5:17 And it came to pass that we did take our bows and our arrows and go forth into the wilderness to slay food for our families; And after that we had slain food for our families, we did return again to our families in the wilderness to the Place of Shazer;

1 Nephi 5:39 And it came to pass that I did return to our tents bearing the beasts which I had slain;

2 Nephi 5:22 And now I, Jacob, would speak somewhat concerning these words; For behold, the Lord hath shown me that they which were at Jerusalem from whence we came have been slain and carried away captive;

2 Nephi 9:85 Without Me they shall bow down under the prisoners, And they shall fall under the slain." For all this His anger is not turned away, But His hand stretched out still.

2 Nephi 10:41 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, And the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, That go down to the stones of the pit, as a carcass trodden under feet.

2 Nephi 10:42 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, Because thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy people. The seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

2 Nephi 11:70 O, the pain and the anguish of my soul for the loss of the slain of my people!

Omni 1:36 And they gave an account of one Coriantumr and the slain of his people;

Omni 1:50 And their leader, being a strong and a mighty man and a stiff-necked man, wherefore, he caused a contention among them, And they were all slain, save fifty, in the wilderness; And they returned again to the Land of Zarahemla.

Words of Mormon 1:21 And in the strength of the Lord they did contend against their enemies until they had slain many thousands of the Lamanites.

Mosiah 5:40 Yea, I say unto you, great are the reasons which we have to mourn."For behold, how many of our brethren have been slain and their blood hath been spilt in vain? And all because of iniquity;

Mosiah 5:43 "And a prophet of the Lord have they slain, Yea, a chosen man of God who told them of their wickedness and abominations, And prophesied of many things which are to come, yea, even the coming of Christ;

Mosiah 6:3 But he, being an austere and a bloodthirsty man, commanded that I should be slain, but I was rescued by the shedding of much blood,

Mosiah 6:7 Nevertheless, after many days wandering in the wilderness, we pitched our tents in the place where our brethren were slain, which was near to the land of our fathers.

Mosiah 6:25 And behold, to our great sorrow and lamentation, two hundred and seventy - nine of our brethren were slain.

Mosiah 7:49 Yea, and shall be driven by men and shall be slain, And the vultures of the air and the dogs, yea, and the wild beasts shall devour their flesh.

Mosiah 8:34 Yea, even so He shall be led, crucified and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, The will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father.

Mosiah 9:19 Therefore, the king was stirred up in anger against him and he delivered him up, that he might be slain.

Mosiah 9:95 Now they had sworn in their hearts that they would return to the Land of Nephi, And if their wives and their children were slain, and also those that had tarried with them, that they would seek revenge and also perish with them;

Mosiah 9:100 And the people told the men of Gideon that they had slain the king and his priests had fled from them farther into the wilderness.

Mosiah 9:101 And it came to pass that after they had ended the ceremony, that they returned to the Land of Nephi, rejoicing because their wives and their children were not slain; And they told Gideon what they had done to the king.

Mosiah 9:152 Yea, they went again, even the third time, and suffered in the like manner; And those that were not slain returned again to the City of Nephi.

Mosiah 9:158 Now there was a great number of women, more than there was of men; Therefore, King Limhi commanded that every man should impart to the support of the widows and their children, that they might not perish with hunger; And this they did because of the greatness of their number that had been slain.

Mosiah 9:171 Yet Ammon and his brethren were filled with sorrow because so many of their brethren had been slain, And also that King Noah and his priests had caused the people to commit so many sins and iniquities against God;

Mosiah 11:85 And again, when they thought of their brethren which had been slain by the Lamanites, they were filled with sorrow and even shed many tears of sorrow.

Alma 1:14 Now Gideon being stricken with many years, therefore he was not able to withstand his blows, therefore he was slain by the sword;

Alma 1:74 And it came to pass that the Nephites did pursue the Amlicites all that day and did slay them with much slaughter, Insomuch that there was slain of the Amlicites twelve thousand five hundred thirty and two souls;

Alma 1:75 And there was slain of the Nephites six thousand five hundred sixty and two souls.

Alma 1:76 And it came to pass that when Alma could pursue the Amlicites no longer, he caused that his people should pitch their tents in the Valley of Gideon, the valley being called after that Gideon which was slain by the hand of Nehor with the sword; And in this valley the Nephites did pitch their tents for the night.

Alma 1:82 And except we make haste, they obtain possession of our city, and our fathers and our wives and our children be slain."

Alma 1:92 And thus he cleared the ground, or rather the bank, which was on the west of the River Sidon, throwing the bodies of the Lamanites which had been slain into the waters of Sidon, That thereby his people might have room to cross and contend with the Lamanites and the Amlicites on the west side of the River Sidon.

Alma 1:95 And the Nephites did pursue them with their might and did slay them, Yea, they were met on every hand and slain and driven until they were scattered on the west and on the north, until they had reached the wilderness which was called Hermounts;

Alma 1:98 And it came to pass that the Nephites which were not slain by the weapons of war, after having buried those which had been slain - now the number of the slain were not numbered because of the greatness of their number - And after they had finished burying their dead, they all returned to their lands and to their houses and their wives and their children.

Alma 1:99 Now many women and children had been slain with the sword, and also many of their flocks and their herds;

Alma 1:101 And now as many of the Lamanites and the Amlicites which had been slain upon the bank of the River Sidon were cast into the waters of Sidon; And behold, their bones are in the depths of the sea, and they are many.

Alma 4:8 and went over upon the east of the River Sidon into the Valley of Gideon, There having been a city built which was called the City of Gideon, which was in the valley that was called Gideon, being called after the man which was slain by the hand of Nehor with the sword.

Alma 8:20 That they might be judged according to the law, And that they might be slain or cast into prison according to the crime which they could make appear, or witness against them.

Alma 10:80 And the chief judge and the lawyers and priests and teachers which smote upon Alma and Amulek were slain by the fall thereof.

Alma 10:83 And the prison had fallen to the earth, And every soul which was within the walls thereof, save it were Alma and Amulek, were slain; And they straightway came forth into the city.

Alma 10:89 And also Zeezrom lay sick at Sidom with a burning fever which was caused by the great tribulations of his mind on account of his wickedness, For he supposed that Alma and Amulek were no more, And he supposed that they had been slain by the cause of his iniquity;

Alma 11:19 And it was called Desolation of Nehors, for they were of the profession of Nehor which were slain, And their lands remained desolate.

Alma 12:42 Now they wept because of the fear of being slain;

Alma 12:54 Nevertheless, they were angry because of the slain of their brethren and they were determined that he should fall;

Alma 12:65 And they answered the king and said: "Whether he be the Great Spirit or a man, we know not; But this much we do know, that he cannot be slain by the enemies of the king,

Alma 12:67 And now, O king, we do not believe that a man hath such great power, for we know that he cannot be slain."

Alma 12:73 For he had slain many of them because their brethren had scattered their flocks at the place of water; And thus, because they had had their flocks scattered, they were slain.

Alma 12:159 For they were angry with Ammon because of the number which he had slain of their brethren at the Waters of Sebus while defending the flocks of the king.

Alma 12:160 Now one of them whose brother had been slain with the sword of Ammon, being exceeding angry with Ammon, drew his sword and went forth that he might let it fall upon Ammon to slay him; And as he lifted the sword to smite him, behold, he fell dead.

Alma 12:161 Now we see that Ammon could not be slain, for the Lord had said unto Mosiah, his father: "I will spare him and it shall be unto him according to thy faith"; Therefore, Mosiah trusted him unto the Lord.

Alma 14:54 And it came to pass that the people of God were joined that day by more than the number which had been slain; And those which had been slain were righteous people, therefore we have no reason to doubt but what they are saved;

Alma 14:55 And there was not a wicked man slain among them, but there were more than a thousand brought to the knowledge of the truth; Thus we see that the Lord worketh in many ways to the salvation of His people.

Alma 14:59 And behold, now it came to pass that those Lamanites were more angry because they had slain their brethren, Therefore, they swore vengeance upon the Nephites;

Alma 14:61 And after that, they had many battles with the Nephites in the which they were driven and slain.

Alma 14:62 And among the Lamanites which were slain were almost all the seed of Amulon and his brethren, which were the priests of Noah, And they were slain by the hands of the Nephites;

Alma 14:71 And he said unto the priests of Noah that their seed should cause many to be put to death in the like manner as he was, And that they should be scattered abroad and slain, even as a sheep having no shepherd is driven and slain by wild beasts;

Alma 14:121 For behold, they would take up arms against their brethren, they would not suffer themselves to be slain;

Alma 15:4 Now this people again refused to take their arms, And they suffered themselves to be slain according to the desires of their enemy.

Alma 15:37 And thus there was a tremendous battle, yea, even such an one as never had been known among all the people in the land from the time Lehi left Jerusalem; Yea, and tens of thousands of the Lamanites were slain and scattered abroad,

Alma 15:41 And thus the cry of mourning was heard among every one of them, a mourning for their kindred which had been slain;

Alma 16:33 And ye say also that He shall be slain for the sins of the world."And thus ye lead away this people after the foolish traditions of your fathers and according to your own desires.

Alma 20:49 Yea, they did fight like dragons and many of the Nephites were slain by their hands - Yea, for they did smite in two many of their headplates, And they did pierce many of their breastplates, And they did smite off many of their arms; And thus the Lamanites did smite in their fierce anger.

Alma 20:51 And they were doing that which they felt it was the duty which they owed to their God, For the Lord had said unto them, and also unto their fathers that, "Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense, neither the second, Ye shall not suffer yourselves to be slain by the hands of your enemies."

Alma 21:55 Yea, and now behold, let us remember to keep the commandments of God, Or our garments shall be rent by our brethren and we be cast into prison or be sold or be slain; Yea, let us preserve our liberty, as a remnant of Joseph;

Alma 21:109 And when they had come to the spot and found the king lying in his gore, Amalickiah pretended to be wroth and said: "Whosoever loved the king, let him go forth and pursue his servants that they may be slain."

Alma 21:114 And now it came to pass that the queen, when she had heard that the king was slain - For Amalickiah had sent an embassy to the queen, informing her that the king had been slain by his servants, that he had pursued them with his army, but it was in vain, and they had made their escape -

Alma 21:117 And they all testified unto her that the king was slain by his own servants, And they said also, "They have fled; Does not this testify against them?"

Alma 21:174 But behold, they were driven back, from time to time, insomuch that they were slain with an immense slaughter.

Alma 21:177 Thus the Nephites had all power over their enemies. And thus the Lamanites did attempt to destroy the Nephites, until their chief captains were all slain;

Alma 21:178 Yea, and more than a thousand of the Lamanites were slain, While on the other hand there was not a single soul of the Nephites which were slain -

Alma 21:180 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites saw that their chief captains were all slain, they fled into the wilderness.

Alma 23:12 Now his armies were not so great as they had hitherto been because of the many thousands which had been slain by the hand of the Nephites;

Alma 23:23 And it came to pass that there were four thousand of those dissenters which were hewn down by the sword; And those of their leaders which were not slain in battle were taken and cast into prison, For there was no time for their trials at this period;

Alma 23:35 But it came to pass that they were met by Teancum, who had slain Morionton and had headed his people in his flight.

Alma 24:44 And it came to pass that they fought on both hands with exceeding fury; And there were many slain on both sides, Yea, and Moroni was wounded and Jacob was killed;

Alma 24:47 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites had heard these words, Their chief captains - all those which were not slain - came forth and threw down their weapons of war at the feet of Moroni, And also commanded their men that they should do the same.

Alma 24:49 And now the number of prisoners which were taken exceeded more than the number of those which had been slain, yea, more than those which had been slain on both sides.

Alma 24:50 And it came to pass that they did set guards over the prisoners of the Lamanites, And did compel them to go forth and bury their dead, yea, and also the dead of the Nephites which were slain; And Moroni placed men over them to guard them while they should perform their labors.

Alma 25:43 And all those things were done in a profound silence; But had they awakened the Lamanites, Behold, they were drunken and the Nephites could have slain them.

Alma 26:11 And I did join my two thousand sons - for they are worthy to be called sons - to the army of Antipus, in the which strength Antipus did rejoice exceedingly; For behold, his army had been reduced by the Lamanites because of the numerosity of their forces, having slain a vast number of our men, for which cause we have to mourn;

Alma 26:14 And we suppose that they are now at this time in the Land of Nephi; It is so, if they are not slain.

Alma 26:49 "Now they durst not turn to the right nor to the left, lest they should be surrounded; Neither would I turn to the right or to the left, lest they should overtake me and we could not stand against them, but be slain, And they would make their escape."And thus we did flee all that day into the wilderness, even until it was dark.

Alma 26:65 "And now it came to pass that when they had surrendered themselves up unto us, Behold, I numbered those young men which had fought with me, fearing lest there were many of them slain;

Alma 26:68 "And as we had no place for our prisoners that we could guard them to keep them from the armies of the Lamanites, Therefore, we sent them to the Land of Zarahemla - and a part of those men which were not slain of Antipus with them -

Alma 26:102 And now, their preservation was astonishing to our whole army, Yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren which were slain.

Alma 26:112 'And it came to pass that they did, in a body, run upon our swords, in the which the greater number of them were slain, And the remainder of them broke through and fled from us.

Alma 26:117 Yea, and I trust that the souls of them which have been slain have entered into the rest of their God.

Alma 26:165 "And those sons of the people of Ammon, of which I have so highly spoken, are with me in the City of Manti; And the Lord hath supported them, yea, and kept them from falling by the sword, insomuch that even one soul hath not been slain.

Alma 27:29 "And behold, it is to your condemnation; For the Lord suffereth the righteous to be slain that His justice and judgment may come upon the wicked; Therefore, ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost because they are slain; But behold, they do enter into the rest of the Lord their God.

Alma 27:30 "And now behold, I say unto you, I fear exceedingly that the judgments of God will come upon this people because of their exceeding slothfulness, Yea, even the slothfulness of our government and their exceeding great neglect toward their brethren, yea, toward those which have been slain.

Alma 29:8 And behold, Pachus was slain and his men were taken prisoners; And Pahoron was restored to his judgment seat.

Alma 29:19 And when they had entered into this covenant, they sent them to dwell with the people of Ammon; And they were in number about four thousand which had not been slain.

Alma 29:30 Thus had Moroni and Pahoron obtained the possession of the City of Nephihah without the loss of one soul; And there were many of the Lamanites which were slain.

Helaman 1:24 And now when Coriantumr saw that he was in possession of the City of Zarahemla, And saw that the Nephites had fled before them and were slain, And were taken and were cast into prison, And that he had obtained the possession of the strongest hold in all the land, His heart took courage, insomuch that he was about to go forth against all the land.

Helaman 1:27 But behold, this march of Coriantumr through the center of the land gave Moronihah great advantage over them, Notwithstanding the greatness of the number of the Nephites which were slain;

Helaman 1:32 And it came to pass that Moronihah did head them in their retreat and did give unto them battle, Insomuch that it became an exceeding bloody battle; Yea, many were slain; And among the number which were slain, Coriantumr was also found.

Helaman 1:34 And thus had Coriantumr plunged the Lamanites into the midst of the Nephites, Insomuch that they were in the power of the Nephites; And he himself was slain, And the Lamanites did yield themselves up into the hands of the Nephites.

Helaman 2:14 But behold, there are many books and many records of every kind, And they have been kept chiefly by the Nephites; And they have been handed down from one generation to another by the Nephites, even until they have fallen into transgression, And have been murdered, plundered and hunted, And driven forth and slain and scattered upon the face of the earth, And mixed with the Lamanites until they are no more called the Nephites, becoming wicked and wild and ferocious, Yea, even becoming Lamanites.

Helaman 2:35 And it came to pass in the fifty and fourth year, there were many dissensions in the church, And there was also a contention among the people, insomuch that there was much bloodshed; And the rebellious part were slain and driven out of the land, And they did go unto the king of the Lamanites.

Helaman 2:54 And it came to pass because of the greatness of the number of the Lamanites, the Nephites were in great fear lest they should be overpowered and trodden down and slain and destroyed;

Helaman 3:53 "And now I would that ye should know that even since the days of Abraham, that there hath been many prophets that hath testified these things - Yea, behold, the prophet Zenos did testify boldly, for the which he was slain;

Helaman 3:56 "And now will you dispute that Jerusalem was not destroyed? Will ye say that the sons of Zedekiah were not slain, all except it were Mulek?

Helaman 3:77 And there was a proclamation sent abroad that the judge was slain and that the murderers had been taken and were cast into prison.

Helaman 3:78 And it came to pass that on the morrow, the people did assemble themselves together to mourn and to fast at the burial of the great and chief judge which had been slain;

Helaman 5:7 Yea, heavy destruction awaiteth this people; And it surely cometh unto this people and nothing can save this people, Save it be repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ which surely shall come into the world and shall suffer many things and shall be slain for His people.

Helaman 5:34 "And now when ye talk, ye say, 'If our days had been in the days of our fathers of old, We would not have slain the prophets; We would not have stoned them and cast them out.'

Helaman 5:99 "For behold, they will suffer themselves that they be trodden down and slain by their enemies and will not lift their swords against them; And this because of their faith in Christ.

3 Nephi 2:60 And it came to pass that Giddianhi, who had stood and fought with boldness, was pursued as he fled; And being weary because of his much fighting, he was overtaken and slain; And thus was the end of Giddianhi the robber.

3 Nephi 2:75 And there were many thousands which did yield themselves up prisoners unto the Nephites, And the remainder of them were slain; And their leader, Zemnarihah, was taken and hanged upon a tree - yea, even upon the top thereof - until he was dead;

3 Nephi 2:86 And now it came to pass that when they had taken all the robbers prisoners, insomuch that none did escape which were not slain, They did cast their prisoners into prison and did cause the word of God to be preached unto them;

3 Nephi 4:11 And the highways were broken up, And the level roads were spoiled, And many smooth places became rough, And many great and notable cities were sunk, And many were burned, And many were shook till the buildings thereof had fallen to the earth, And the inhabitants thereof were slain, And the places were left desolate.

3 Nephi 4:12 And there were some cities which remained, but the damage thereof was exceeding great, And there were many in them which were slain;

3 Nephi 4:27 For the devil laugheth and his angels rejoice because of the slain of the fair sons and daughters of My people; And it is because of their iniquity and their abominations that they are fallen.

3 Nephi 4:54 And after these sayings there was silence in the land for the space of many hours, For so great was the astonishment of the people that they did cease from lamenting and howling for the loss of their kindreds which had been slain; Therefore, there was silence in all the land for the space of many hours.

3 Nephi 4:70 Behold, I say unto you, Yea; Many have testified of these things at the coming of Christ and were slain because they testified of these things.

3 Nephi 5:14 And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto them, saying: "Arise and come forth unto Me, That ye may thrust your hands into My side, And also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in My hands and in My feet, That ye may know that I Am the God of Israel and the God of the whole earth and have been slain for the sins of the world."

3 Nephi 7:33 And because of the mercies of the Father unto the Gentiles, and also the judgments of the Father upon My people which are of the house of Israel - Verily, verily I say unto you that after all this - And I have caused My people which are of the house of Israel to be smitten, and to be afflicted, and to be slain, and to be cast out from among them, and to become hated by them, and to become a hiss and a byword among them -

Mormon 1:74 And now because of this great thing which my people the Nephites had done, They began to boast in their own strength and began to swear before the heavens that they would avenge themselves of the blood of their brethren which had been slain by their enemies;

Mormon 2:11 And now all these things had been done and there had been thousands slain on both sides, both the Nephites and the Lamanites.

Mormon 3:18 And my soul was rent with anguish because of the slain of my people, And I cried: "O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus who stood with open arms to receive you!

Mormon 3:27 Know ye that ye must come to the knowledge of your fathers and repent of all your sins and iniquities and believe in Jesus Christ, That He is the Son of God and that He was slain by the Jews, And by the power of the Father He hath risen again, Whereby He hath gained the victory over the grave. And also in Him is the sting of death swallowed up;

Mormon 4:6 And behold, I would write it also if I had room upon the plates, But I have not; And ore I have none, for I am alone; My father hath been slain in battle, and all my kinsfolk, And I have not friends, nor whither to go; And how long that the Lord will suffer that I may live, I know not.

Ether 3:75 And it came to pass that when they had slain the army of Jared, they were about to slay him also; And he pled with them that they would not slay him and he would give up the kingdom unto his father.

Ether 3:98 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you, that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation because of this secret combination which shall be among you, Or wo be unto it because of the blood of them which have been slain! For they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who build it up.

Ether 4:99 And it came to pass that Shiblon was slain; And Seth was brought into captivity, And he did dwell in captivity all his days.

Ether 6:19 Wherefore, it came to pass that in the first year that Ether dwelt in the cavity of a rock, There were many people which were slain by the sword of those secret combinations fighting against Coriantumr, that they might obtain the kingdom.

Ether 6:60 Nevertheless, Shiz did not cease to pursue Coriantumr, For he had sworn to avenge himself upon Coriantumr of the blood of his brother which had been slain. And the word of the Lord came to Ether, that Coriantumr should not fall by the sword.

Ether 6:73 He saw that there had been slain by the sword already nearly two millions of his people, And he began to sorrow in his heart; Yea, there had been slain two millions of mighty men, and also their wives and their children;

Ether 6:84 And it came to pass that they did gather together all the people upon all the face of the land which had not been slain, save it were Ether.

Ether 6:88 And it came to pass that when it was night, they were weary and retired to their camps; And after that they had retired to their camps, they took up a howling and a lamentation for the loss of the slain of their people; And so great were their cries, their howlings and lamentations, that it did rend the air exceedingly.

Ether 6:90 Nevertheless, they conquered not; And when the night came again, they did rend the air with their cries and their howlings and their mournings for the loss of the slain of their people.

Moroni 9:9 And the husbands and fathers of those women and children they have slain, And they feed the women upon the flesh of their husbands and the children upon the flesh of their fathers; And no water, save a little, do they give unto them.

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