RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Stealing
Verses Found: 5

Mosiah 11:161 And he became a great hinderment to the prosperity of the church of God - Stealing away the hearts of the people, Causing much dissension among the people, Giving a chance for the enemy of God to exercise his power over them.

Mosiah 13:19 That there should be no wars, nor contentions, no stealing, nor plundering, nor murdering, nor no manner of iniquity;

Mosiah 13:51 Yea, all his iniquities and abominations, And all the wars and contentions and bloodshed, And the stealing and the plundering, And the committing of whoredoms and all manner of iniquities which cannot be enumerated -

Alma 11:29 Now those priests which did go forth among the people did preach against all lyings and deceivings and envyings and strifes and malice and revilings and stealing, robbing, plundering, murdering, committing adultery and all manner of lasciviousness, Crying that these things ought not so to be;

Helaman 2:45 And it was because of the pride of their hearts, because of their exceeding riches; Yea, it was because of their oppression to the poor - withholding their food from the hungry, withholding their clothing from the naked - And smiting their humble brethren upon the cheek, Making a mock of that which was sacred, Denying the spirit of prophecy and of revelation, Murdering, plundering, lying, stealing, committing adultery, raising up in great contentions, And dissenting away into the Land of Nephi, among the Lamanites

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