RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Stiff-neckedness
Verses Found: 3

1 Nephi 1:38 Now this he spake because of the stiff-neckedness of Laman and Lemuel, For behold, they did murmur in many things against their father because that he was a visionary man and that he had led them out of the Land of Jerusalem, To leave the land of their inheritance and their gold and their silver and their precious things and to perish in the wilderness;

2 Nephi 14:9 And now I, Nephi, cannot say more, the Spirit stoppeth mine utterance, And I am left to mourn because of the unbelief and the wickedness and the ignorance and the stiff-neckedness of men, For they will not search knowledge, nor understand great knowledge when it is given unto them in plainness, even as plain as word can be.

3 Nephi 7:17 "And now because of stiff-neckedness and unbelief, they understood not My word, Therefore, I was commanded to say no more of the Father concerning this thing unto them;

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