RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

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1 Nephi 1:13 And it came to pass that when my father had read and saw many great and marvelous things, he did exclaim many things unto the Lord, such as: "Great and marvelous are Thy works, O Lord God Almighty! Thy throne is high in the heavens! And Thy power and goodness and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth; And because Thou art merciful, Thou wilt not suffer those who come unto Thee, that they shall perish!"

1 Nephi 4:10 And they said unto me: "We have not, for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us."

1 Nephi 5:159 "And now, if the Lord hath such great power and hath wrought so many miracles among the children of men, How is it that He cannot instruct me that I should build a ship?"

2 Nephi 9:61 Nevertheless, the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, When at the first He lightly afflicted the Land of Zebulon and the Land of Naphtali, And afterward did more grievously afflict by the way of the Red Sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee, of the nations.

2 Nephi 9:101 And it shall come to pass in that day that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them, But shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

Jacob 1:15 And now it came to pass that the people of Nephi under the reign of the second king began to grow hard in their hearts, And indulge themselves somewhat in wicked practices, such as like unto David of old, desiring many wives and concubines, and also Solomon his son;

Jacob 2:26 Do ye not suppose that such things are abominable unto Him who created all flesh?

Jacob 5:11 "And now behold, I, Sherem, declare unto you that this is blasphemy, For no man knoweth of such things, for he cannot tell of things to come."

Mosiah 1:98 And shall go forth amongst men, Working mighty miracles, such as - healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and curing all manner of diseases;

Mosiah 1:108 'But wo, wo unto him who knoweth that he rebelleth against God! For salvation cometh to none such, except it be through repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mosiah 2:19 Or if ye have known of His goodness and have tasted of His love and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceeding great joy in your souls,

Mosiah 2:43 I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, Every man according to that which he hath, such as - feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.

Mosiah 3:5 And it is the faith which we have had on the things which our king hath spoken unto us and hath brought us to this great knowledge whereby we do rejoice with such exceeding great joy;

Mosiah 5:83 "Doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates; And these interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding all such mysteries to the children of men.

Mosiah 7:8 For he put down all the priests that had been consecrated by his father and consecrated new ones in their stead, such as were lifted up in the pride of their hearts;

Mosiah 7:41 And he saith: "Who is Abinadi, that I and my people should be judged of him? Or who is the Lord that shall bring upon my people such great affliction?

Mosiah 8:61 "But behold and fear and tremble before God, for ye had ought to tremble, For the Lord redeemeth none such that rebelleth against Him and dieth in their sins,

Mosiah 8:64 For salvation cometh to none such, for the Lord hath redeemed none such;

Mosiah 8:65 Yea, neither can the Lord redeem such, for He cannot deny Himself, For He cannot deny justice when it hath its claim.

Mosiah 9:161 And he caused that his people should watch the land round about, That by some means they might take those priests that fled into the wilderness which had stolen the daughters of the Lamanites and that had caused such a great destruction to come upon them;

Mosiah 9:170 And now Limhi was again filled with joy on learning from the mouth of Ammon that King Benjamin had a gift from God whereby he could interpret such engravings. Yea, and Ammon also did rejoice;

Mosiah 11:116 Now there had not any such thing happened before in the church; Therefore, Alma was troubled in his spirit and he caused that they should be brought before the king.

Mosiah 13:7 And these were the words that were written, saying: "Behold, O ye my people, or my brethren, for I esteem you as such, For I desire that ye should consider the cause which ye are called to consider, for ye are desirous to have a king;

Mosiah 13:33 "And now behold I say unto you, it is not expedient that such abominations should come upon you;

Alma 1:27 And they durst not steal for fear of the law, for such were punished; Neither durst they rob nor murder, for he that murdereth was punished unto death.

Alma 1:56 For they knew that according to their law, that such things must be established by the voice of the people;

Alma 2:20 Now this was a great cause for lamentations among the people; While others were abasing themselves, succoring those who stood in need of their succor, Such as imparting their substance to the poor and the needy, feeding the hungry, And suffering all manner of afflictions for Christ's sake, which should come according to the spirit of prophecy, looking forward to that day; Thus retaining a remission of their sins,

Alma 3:44 "Behold, my brethren, do ye suppose that such an one can have a place to sit down in the kingdom of God with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob? And also all the holy prophets whose garments are cleansed and are spotless, pure and white?

Alma 3:45 "I say unto you, nay, except ye make our Creator a liar from the beginning, or suppose that He is a liar from the beginning; Or also, ye cannot suppose that such an one can have place in the kingdom of heaven, But they shall be cast out, for they are the children of the kingdom of the devil.

Alma 3:51 "Behold, ye must prepare quickly, for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand, And such an one hath not eternal life.

Alma 3:53 I say unto you that such an one is not prepared; And I would that he should prepare quickly, for the hour is close at hand and he knoweth not when the time shall come, For such an one is not found guiltless.

Alma 3:55 Wo unto such an one! for he is not prepared, And the time is at hand that he must repent or he cannot be saved;

Alma 6:13 And we are not of thy church, And we do not believe in such foolish traditions.

Alma 7:5 Now they knew not that God could do such marvelous works, for they were a hard-hearted and a stiff - necked people.

Alma 7:6 And they saith: "Who is God that sendeth no more authority than one man among this people to declare unto them the truth of such great and marvelous things?"

Alma 7:28 Yea, after having been such a highly favored people of the Lord, Yea, after having been favored above every other nation, kindred, tongue or people,

Alma 8:36 But Amulek stretched forth his hand and cried the mightier unto them, saying: "O ye wicked and perverse generation! Why hath Satan got such great hold upon your hearts?

Alma 8:72 Knowest thou that the righteous yieldeth to no such temptations?

Alma 9:53 For on such the plan of redemption could have no power, for the works of justice could not be destroyed according to the supreme goodness of God.

Alma 9:66 "Therefore they, having chosen good and exercising exceeding great faith, are called with a holy calling, Yea, with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such,

Alma 9:68 Or in fine, in the first place they were on the same standing with their brethren - "Thus this holy calling being prepared from the foundation of the world for such as would not harden their hearts, Being in and through the atonement of the Only Begotten Son which was prepared;

Alma 10:38 And also testified that there was but one God, And that He should send His Son among the people, but He should not save them; And many such things did the people testify against Alma and Amulek.

Alma 10:68 If ye have such great power, why do ye not deliver yourselves?"

Alma 10:69 And many such things did they say unto them, gnashing their teeth upon them and spitting upon them and saying, "How shall we look when we are damned?"

Alma 10:70 And many such things, yea, all manner of such things did they say unto them; And thus they did mock them for many days.

Alma 12:9 They did suffer much, both in body and in mind, such as hunger, thirst and fatigue, And also much labor in the spirit.

Alma 12:64 Behold, is not this the Great Spirit which doth send such great punishments upon this people because of their murders?"

Alma 12:67 And now, O king, we do not believe that a man hath such great power, for we know that he cannot be slain."

Alma 12:75 And it came to pass that King Lamoni inquired of his servants, saying: "Where is this man that hath such great power?"

Alma 12:134 Yea, this light had infused such joy into his soul, the cloud of darkness having been dispelled - And the light of everlasting light was lit up in his soul,

Alma 12:140 And Ammon said unto her: "Blessed art thou because of thy exceeding faith; I say unto thee woman, there has not been such great faith among all the people of the Nephites."

Alma 13:11 And the man saith unto him: "We do not believe that thou knowest any such thing; We do not believe in these foolish traditions;

Alma 14:79 And now these are the words of Ammon to his brethren, which saith thus: "My brothers and my brethren, behold I say unto you, how great reason have we to rejoice, For could we have supposed when we started from the Land of Zarahemla that God would have granted unto us such great blessings?

Alma 14:103 Yea, he that repenteth, and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing, Unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; Yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed;

Alma 14:104 Yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, Even as it hath been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance.

Alma 15:37 And thus there was a tremendous battle, yea, even such an one as never had been known among all the people in the land from the time Lehi left Jerusalem; Yea, and tens of thousands of the Lamanites were slain and scattered abroad,

Alma 16:14 And after this manner did he preach, saying: "O ye that are bound down under a foolish and a vain hope, Why do ye yoke yourselves with such foolish things? Why do ye look for a Christ? For no man can know of anything which is to come.

Alma 16:18 And many more such things did he say unto them, telling them that there could be no atonement made for the sins of men; But every man fared in this life, according to the management of the creature, Therefore, every man prospered, according to his genius, And that every man conquered, according to his strength; And whatsoever a man did was no crime.

Alma 16:44 "And now, believest thou that we deceive this people that causeth such joy in their hearts?"

Alma 16:102 And he lifted up his voice to heaven and cried, saying: "O how long, O Lord, wilt Thou suffer that Thy servants shall dwell here below in the flesh to behold such gross wickedness among the children of men?

Alma 16:108 "O Lord God, how long wilt Thou suffer that such wickedness and infidelity shall be among this people?

Alma 16:109 "O Lord, wilt Thou give me strength that I may bear with mine infirmities? For I am infirm and such wickedness among this people doth pain my soul.

Alma 17:9 And the angel spake more things unto me which were heard by my brethren, but I did not hear them, For when I heard the words - "If thou wilt be destroyed of thyself, seek no more to destroy the church of God!" - I was struck with such great fear and amazement, lest perhaps that I should be destroyed, that I fell to the earth and I did hear no more;

Alma 17:62 And ye shall teach them to abhor such wickedness and abominations and murders, And ye shall also teach them that these people were destroyed on account of their wickedness and abominations and their murders;

Alma 17:67 Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; For such shall find rest to their souls.

Alma 20:22 Now the army of Zerahemnah was not prepared with any such thing;

Alma 20:47 Now in this case the Lamanites did fight exceedingly, Yea, never had the Lamanites been known to have fought with such exceeding great strength and courage - No, not even from the beginning;

Alma 21:171 And thus were the Nephites prepared to destroy all such as should attempt to climb up to enter the fort by any other way, by casting over stones and arrows at them;

Alma 23:10 But behold, this was a critical time for such contentions to be among the people of Nephi; For behold, Amalickiah had again stirred up the hearts of the people of the Lamanites against the people of the Nephites; And he was gathering together soldiers from all parts of his land and arming them and preparing for war with all diligence, For he had sworn to drink the blood of Moroni.

Alma 23:19 For it was his first care to put an end to such contentions and dissensions among the people; For behold, this had been hitherto a cause of all their destructions.

Alma 24:45 And Lehi pressed upon their rear with such fury with his strong men that the Lamanites in the rear delivered up their weapons of war, And the remainder of them, being much confused, knew not whether to go or to strike.

Alma 25:7 Yea, I would tell you concerning that awful hell which awaits to receive such murderers as thou and thy brother hath been, Except ye repent and withdraw your murderous purposes and return with your armies to your own lands.

Alma 25:23 "And as concerning that God whom ye say we have rejected, Behold, we know not such a Being; Neither do ye; But if it so be that there is such a Being, we know not but that He hath made us as well as you;

Alma 25:24 And if it so be that there is a devil and a hell, Behold, will he not send you there to dwell with my brother which ye have murdered, which ye have hinted that he hath gone to such a place? But behold, these things mattereth not.

Alma 26:66 But behold, to my great joy, there had not one soul of them fallen to the earth! Yea, and they had fought as if with the strength of God; Yea, never were men known to have fought with such miraculous strength;

Alma 26:67 And with such mighty power did they fall upon the Lamanites that they did frighten them; And for this cause did the Lamanites deliver themselves up as prisoners of war.

Alma 28:19 Therefore, my beloved brother Moroni, let us resist evil; And whatsoever evil we cannot resist with our words - yea, such as rebellions and dissensions - Let us resist them with our swords, that we may retain our freedom, That we may rejoice in the great privilege of our church and in the cause of our Redeemer and our God.

Helaman 1:20 But it came to pass that Coriantumr did march forth at the head of his numerous host and came upon the inhabitants of the city, And their march was with such exceeding great speed that there was no time for the Nephites to gather together their armies;

Helaman 2:80 And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi did preach unto the Lamanites with such great power and authority - For they had power and authority given unto them that they might speak, And they also had what they should speak given unto them -

Helaman 3:3 And seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness and those Gaddianton robbers filling the judgment seats, Having usurped the power and authority of the land, Laying aside the commandments of God and not in the least aright before Him, Doing no justice unto the children of men, Condemning the righteous because of their righteousness, Letting the guilty and the wicked go unpunished because of their money;

Helaman 3:45 "And now behold, if God gave unto this man such power, Then why should ye dispute among yourselves and say that He hath given unto me no power whereby I may know concerning the judgments that shall come upon you except ye repent?

Helaman 3:46 "But behold, ye not only deny my words, But ye also deny all the words which hath been spoken by our fathers, And also the words which were spoken by this man Moses which had such great power given unto him, Yea, the words which he hath spoken concerning the coming of Messiah.

Helaman 3:68 And they said among themselves as they went: "Behold, now we will know of a surety whether this man be a prophet, And God hath commanded him to prophesy such marvelous things unto us -

Helaman 3:117 "And now because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, Behold, I will bless thee forever; And I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; Yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word, For thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to My will.

Helaman 5:59 "And behold, there shall be a new star arise, such an one as ye never have beheld; And this also shall be a sign unto you.

Helaman 5:129 And they began to reason and to contend among themselves, saying that, "It is not reasonable that such a Being as a Christ shall come;

3 Nephi 3:69 Therefore, there were ordained of Nephi men unto this ministry, that all such as should come unto them should be baptized with water, And this as a witness and a testimony before God and unto the people that they had repented and received a remission of their sins;

3 Nephi 4:6 And it came to pass that in the thirty and fourth year, in the first month, in the fourth day of the month, There arose a great storm, such an one as never had been known in all the land;

3 Nephi 4:7 And there was also a great and terrible tempest; And there was terrible thunder, insomuch that it did shake the whole earth as if it was about to divide asunder; And there were exceeding sharp lightnings, such as never had been known in all the land.

3 Nephi 4:51 "Behold, I have come unto the world to bring redemption unto the world - to save the world from sin; Therefore, whoso repenteth and cometh unto Me as a little child, him will I receive, For of such is the kingdom of God.

3 Nephi 4:52 "Behold, for such I have laid down My life and have taken it up again; Therefore, repent and come unto Me, ye ends of the earth, and be saved!"

3 Nephi 5:31 "Behold, this is not My doctrine - to stir up the hearts of men to anger against one another; But this is My doctrine - that such things should be done away.

3 Nephi 5:42 "And whoso shall declare more or less than this and establish it for My doctrine, The same cometh of evil and is not built upon My rock; But he buildeth upon a sandy foundation, And the gates of hell standeth open to receive such when the floods come and the winds beat upon them;

3 Nephi 8:64 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your synagogues or your places of worship, For unto such shall ye continue to minister;

3 Nephi 9:106 For it shall come to pass, ' saith the Father, ' that at that day, whosoever will not repent and come unto My beloved Son, Them will I cut off from among My people, O house of Israel, And I will execute vengeance and fury upon them - even as upon the heathen - such as they have not heard! '

4 Nephi 1:27 And now in this two hundred and first year, there began to be among them those which were lifted up in pride, Such as the wearing of costly apparel and all manner of fine pearls and of the fine things of the world;

Mormon 1:54 And it came to pass that we did stand before them with such firmness that they did flee from before us.

Mormon 2:34 And now behold, I, Mormon, do not desire to harrow up the souls of men in casting before them such an awful scene of blood and carnage as was laid before mine eyes;

Mormon 2:38 For I know that such will sorrow for the calamity of the house of Israel, Yea, they will sorrow for the destruction of this people; They will sorrow that this people had not repented, that they might have been clasped in the arms of Jesus.

Mormon 4:39 There shall be murders and robbing and lying and deceivings and whoredoms and all manner of abominations, When there shall be many which will say, "Do this or do that and it mattereth not, for the Lord will uphold such at the last day";

Mormon 4:40 But wo unto such for they are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity!

Ether 1:72 And the Lord said unto him: "Because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take upon Me flesh and blood; And never has man come before Me with such exceeding faith as thou hast; For were it not so, ye could not have seen My finger - Sawest thou more than this?"

Ether 3:90 And they were kept up by the power of the devil to administer these oaths unto the people to keep them in darkness, To help such as sought power to gain power, and to murder, and to plunder, and to lie, and to commit all manner of wickedness and whoredoms;

Ether 3:95 And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation - Behold, they shall be destroyed; For the Lord will not suffer that the blood of His saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto Him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet He avengeth them not.

Ether 4:22 And thus the Lord did pour out His blessings upon this land, which was choice above all other lands; And He commanded that whoso should possess the land should possess it unto the Lord or they should be destroyed when they were ripened in iniquity; "For upon such, " saith the Lord, "I will pour out the fullness of My wrath."

Ether 4:56 And it came to pass that Morianton built up many cities, And the people became exceeding rich under his reign - both in buildings, and in gold and in silver, and in raising grain, and in flocks and herds, and such things which had been restored unto them;

Ether 4:95 And there was great calamity in all the land, for they had testified that a great curse should come upon the land, and also upon the people, And that there should be a great destruction among them, such an one as never had been upon the face of the earth,

Ether 4:97 And they hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord because of their wicked combinations. Wherefore, there began to be wars and contentions in all the land, and also many famines and pestilences, Insomuch that there was a great destruction, such an one as never had been known upon the face of the earth; And all this came to pass in the days of Shiblon;

Moroni 7:8 And likewise also is it counted evil unto a man if he shall pray, and not with real intent of heart; Yea, and it profiteth him nothing, for God receiveth none such; Wherefore, a man being evil cannot do that which is good; Neither will he give a good gift.

Moroni 8:22 Wo unto such! for they are in danger of death, hell and an endless torment;

Moroni 8:26 For the power of redemption cometh on all they that have no law; Wherefore, he that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, cannot repent, And unto such baptism availeth nothing;

End of Search Results