RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Unfolding
Verses Found: 3

Mosiah 5:83 "Doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates; And these interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding all such mysteries to the children of men.

Mosiah 13:47 And many more things did King Mosiah write unto them, unfolding unto them all the trials and troubles of a righteous king,

Ether 1:101 And in that day that they shall exercise faith in Me, " saith the Lord, "even as the brother of Jared did, that they may become sanctified in Me, Then will I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared saw, even to the unfolding unto them all My revelations, " saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth and all things that in them is.

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