RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

Search For: Waxed
Verses Found: 10

2 Nephi 3:22 And it came to pass that after Lehi had spake unto all his household according to the feelings of his heart and the Spirit of the Lord which was in him, he waxed old;

2 Nephi 3:39 And by day have I waxed bold in mighty prayer before Him, yea, my voice have I sent up on high, And angels came down and ministered unto me;

Jacob 3:31 For behold, thus saith the Lord: "I will liken thee, O house of Israel, like unto a tame olive tree which a man took and nourished in his vineyard, And it grew and waxed old and began to decay.

Jarom 1:10 And now behold, two hundred years had passed away and the people of Nephi had waxed strong in the land;

Mosiah 1:14 And it came to pass that after King Benjamin had made an end of teaching his sons, that he waxed old and he saw that he must very soon go the way of all the earth; Therefore, he thought it expedient that he should confer the kingdom upon one of his sons.

Mosiah 1:29 And there were a great number, even so many that they did not number them, For they had multiplied exceedingly and waxed great in the land.

Alma 7:34 And they having been waxed strong in battle that they might not be destroyed, Having been brought out of bondage time after time, And having been kept and preserved until now; And they have been prospered until they are rich in all manner of things.

Alma 10:11 "Now this Melchizedek was a king over the Land of Salem; And his people had waxed strong in iniquity and abominations, yea, they had all gone astray - they were full of all manner of wickedness;

Alma 12:3 And what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord, yea, and they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth,

Ether 3:45 And it came to pass that Shule was angry with his brother; And Shule waxed strong and became mighty, as to the strength of a man, And he was also mighty in judgment;

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