RCE Book of Mormon Word Index Results

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1 Nephi 1:4 Wherefore, it came to pass that my father Lehi, as he went forth, prayed unto the Lord, yea, even with all his heart, in behalf of his people.

1 Nephi 1:9 And he also saw twelve others following Him, And their brightness did exceed that of the stars in the firmament; And they came down and went forth upon the face of the earth.

1 Nephi 1:18 Therefore, I would that ye should know that after the Lord had shown so many marvelous things unto my father Lehi, yea, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, Behold, he went forth among the people and began to prophesy and to declare unto them concerning the things which he had both seen and heard.

1 Nephi 1:69 And it came to pass that the lot fell upon Laman; And Laman went in unto the house of Laban and he talked with him as he sat in his house;

1 Nephi 1:85 And it came to pass that we went down to the land of our inheritance, And we did gather together our gold and our silver and our precious things;

1 Nephi 1:86 And after that we had gathered these things together, we went up again unto the house of Laban.

1 Nephi 1:87 And it came to pass that we went in unto Laban and desired him that he would give unto us the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass, For which we would give unto him our gold and our silver and all our precious things.

1 Nephi 1:105 And after that they had hid themselves, I, Nephi, crept into the city and went forth toward the house of Laban;

1 Nephi 1:107 Nevertheless, I went forth; And as I came near unto the house of Laban, I beheld a man, And he had fallen to the earth before me, for he was drunken with wine;

1 Nephi 1:122 And after that I had done this, I went forth unto the treasury of Laban.

1 Nephi 1:123 And as I went forth toward the treasury of Laban, behold, I saw the servant of Laban which had the keys of the treasury;

1 Nephi 1:130 And he spake unto me many times concerning the elders of the Jews as I went forth unto my brethren which were without the wall.

1 Nephi 2:10 And it came to pass that we went up unto the house of Ishmael, And we did gain favor in the sight of Ishmael insomuch that we did speak unto him the words of the Lord.

1 Nephi 3:73 And the Lamb of God went forth and was baptized of him;

1 Nephi 3:75 And I beheld that He went forth ministering unto the people in power and great glory;

1 Nephi 3:130 And it came to pass that I beheld and saw the people of the seed of my brethren, that they had overcome my seed; And they went forth in multitudes upon the face of the land;

1 Nephi 3:147 And I looked and beheld a man among the Gentiles which were separated from the seed of my brethren by the many waters; And I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man, And he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren which were in the Promised Land.

1 Nephi 3:148 And it came to pass that I beheld the Spirit of God, that it wrought upon other Gentiles; And they went forth out of captivity upon the many waters.

1 Nephi 5:11 And it came to pass that as my father arose in the morning and went forth to the tent door, and to his great astonishment he beheld upon the ground a round ball of curious workmanship and it was of fine brass;

1 Nephi 5:22 And it came to pass that as I, Nephi, went forth to slay food, behold, I did break my bow which was made of fine steel; And after that I did break my bow, behold, my brethren were angry with me because of the loss of my bow, for we did obtain no food.

1 Nephi 5:69 And it came to pass that I arose and went up into the mountain and cried unto the Lord.

1 Nephi 5:213 And we went forth upon the land and did pitch our tents, And we did call it the Promised Land.

1 Nephi 6:10 "Behold, I have declared the former things from the beginning; And they went forth out of My mouth and I showed them - I did show them suddenly.

2 Nephi 4:47 Wherefore, I, Nephi, to be obedient to the commandments of the Lord, went and made these plates upon which I have engraven these things,

2 Nephi 5:111 And thou hast laid thy body as the ground and as the street to them that went over."

2 Nephi 9:14 And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz, the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, That Rezin, king of Syria, and Pekah, the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem to war against it but could not prevail against it.

2 Nephi 9:41 And I went unto the prophetess and she conceived and bear a son. Then said the Lord to me: "Call his name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.

Jacob 3:32 "And it came to pass that the Master of the vineyard went forth and He saw that His olive tree began to decay; And He saith: 'I will prune it and dig about it and nourish it, that perhaps it may shoot forth young and tender branches and it perish not.'

Jacob 3:48 "And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard went His way and hid the natural branches of the tame olive tree in the nethermost parts of the vineyard, Some in one and some in another, according to His will and pleasure.

Jacob 3:50 "And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard, and also the Servant, went down into the vineyard to labor.

Jacob 3:59 "And it came to pass that they went forth whither the Master of the vineyard had hid the natural branches of the tree; And He saith unto the Servant, 'Behold these.'

Jacob 3:74 "And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard and the Servant went down into the vineyard; And They came to the tree whose natural branches had been broken off and the wild branches had been grafted in; And behold, all sorts of fruit did cumber the tree.

Jacob 3:86 "And it came to pass that They went down into the nethermost parts of the vineyard.

Jacob 3:136 "And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard sent His Servant, And the Servant went and did as the Lord had commanded Him and brought other servants, and they were few;

Enos 1:4 Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forest; And the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life and the joy of the saints - And the words of my father sunk deep into my heart;

Enos 1:29 And now it came to pass that I, Enos, went about among the people of Nephi prophesying of things to come and testifying of the things which I had heard and seen;

Omni 1:48 And now I would speak somewhat concerning a certain number which went up into the wilderness to return to the Land of Nephi,

Omni 1:49 For there was a large number which were desirous to possess the land of their inheritance; Wherefore, they went up into the wilderness;

Omni 1:52 And I, Amaleki, had a brother which also went with them, and I have not since known concerning them.

Mosiah 1:27 And now it came to pass that Mosiah went and did as his father had commanded him and proclaimed unto all the people which were in the Land of Zarahemla, That thereby they might gather themselves together to go up to the temple to hear the words which his father should speak unto them.

Mosiah 5:1 And now it came to pass that after King Mosiah had had continual peace for the space of three years, he was desirous to know concerning the people which went up to dwell in the Land of Lehi-Nephi, or in the City of Lehi-Nephi;

Mosiah 5:7 And Ammon took three of his brethren - and their names were Amaleki, Helem, and Hem - and they went down into the Land of Nephi.

Mosiah 5:15 And now when Ammon saw that he was permitted to speak, he went forth and bowed himself before the king; And rising again, he said: "O king, I am very thankful before God this day that I am yet alive and am permitted to speak,

Mosiah 5:54 And he caused that Ammon should stand up before the multitude and rehearse unto them all that had happened unto their brethren from the time that Zeniff went up out of the land, even until the time that he himself came up out of the land;

Mosiah 6:8 And it came to pass that I went again with four of my men into the city, in unto the king, that I might know of the disposition of the king, And that I might know if I might go in with my people and possess the land in peace.

Mosiah 6:9 And I went in unto the king and he covenanted with me that I might possess the Land of Lehi-Nephi and the Land of Shilom,

Mosiah 6:10 And he also commanded that his people should depart out of that land, And I and my people went into the land, that we might possess it;

Mosiah 7:28 And it came to pass that there was a man among them whose name was Abinadi; And he went forth among them and began to prophesy, saying:

Mosiah 9:28 And now it came to pass that Alma, who had fled from the servants of King Noah, repented of his sins and iniquities and went about privately among the people and began to teach the words of Abinadi,

Mosiah 9:34 And it came to pass that as many as believed him went thither to hear his words.

Mosiah 9:43 And now it came to pass that Alma took Helam, he being one of the first, and went and stood forth in the water and cried, saying: "O Lord, pour out Thy Spirit upon Thy servant, that he may do this work with holiness of heart!"

Mosiah 9:46 And again, Alma took another and went forth a second time into the water and baptized him according to the first, only he did not bury himself again in the water.

Mosiah 9:47 And after this manner he did baptize everyone that went forth to the Place of Mormon, And they were in number about two hundred and four souls,

Mosiah 9:114 Therefore, they sent their armies forth, yea, even the king himself went before his people, And they went up to the Land of Nephi to destroy the people of Limhi.

Mosiah 9:128 Now when Gideon had heard these things, he being the king's captain, he went forth and said unto the king: "I pray thee, forbear and do not search this people and lay not this thing to their charge,

Mosiah 9:137 And it came to pass that they followed the king and went forth without arms to meet the Lamanites.

Mosiah 9:146 And they gathered themselves together again and put on their armor and went forth against the Lamanites, to drive them out of their land.

Mosiah 9:151 And they went again to battle, but they were driven back again, suffering much loss;

Mosiah 9:152 Yea, they went again, even the third time, and suffered in the like manner; And those that were not slain returned again to the City of Nephi.

Mosiah 9:172 And they also did mourn for the death of Abinadi, And also for the departure of Alma and the people that went with him who had formed a church of God, through the strength and power of God and faith on the words which had been spoken by Abinadi;

Mosiah 10:5 Now it came to pass that Gideon went forth and stood before the king and said unto him: "Now O king, thou hast hitherto hearkened unto my words many times when we have been contending with our brethren the Lamanites.

Mosiah 10:14 And it came to pass that the people of King Limhi did depart by night into the wilderness with their flocks and their herds, And they went round about the Land of Shilom in the wilderness and bent their course toward the Land of Zarahemla, being led by Ammon and his brethren;

Mosiah 11:30 But Alma went forth and stood among them and exhorted them that they should not be frightened, But that they should remember the Lord their God and He would deliver them;

Mosiah 11:33 And Alma and his brethren went forth and delivered themselves up into their hands; And the Lamanites took possession of the Land of Helam.

Mosiah 11:42 And the remainder of them went to the Land of Nephi, And a part of them returned to the Land of Helam, and also brought with them the wives and the children of the guards which had been left in the land.

Mosiah 11:92 And it came to pass that Alma did speak unto them when they were assembled together in large bodies; And he went from one body to another preaching unto the people repentance and faith on the Lord;

Mosiah 11:120 And now the spirit of Alma was again troubled; And he went and inquired of the Lord what he should do concerning this matter, for he feared that he should do wrong in the sight of God.

Mosiah 11:143 And it came to pass that Alma went and judged those that had been taken in iniquity, according to the word of the Lord;

Mosiah 12:10 And it came to pass that King Mosiah went and inquired of the Lord if he should let his sons go up among the Lamanites to preach the word.

Alma 1:24 Nevertheless, this did not put an end to the spreading of priestcraft through the land, for there were many which loved the vain things of the world; And they went forth preaching false doctrines, And this they did for the sake of riches and honor.

Alma 1:71 Now Alma, he being the chief judge and the governor of the people of Nephi, Therefore, he went up with his people - yea, with his captains and chief captains - yea, at the head of his armies against the Amlicites to battle; And they began to slay the Amlicites upon the hill east of Sidon.

Alma 1:78 Now those which he had sent out to watch the camp of the Amlicites were called Zeram and Amnor and Manti and Limher; These were they which went out with their men to watch the camp of the Amlicites.

Alma 1:124 And they went up and slew many of the Lamanites and drove the remainder of them out of the borders of their land;

Alma 4:8 and went over upon the east of the River Sidon into the Valley of Gideon, There having been a city built which was called the City of Gideon, which was in the valley that was called Gideon, being called after the man which was slain by the hand of Nehor with the sword.

Alma 4:9 And Alma went and began to declare the word of God unto the church which was established in the Valley of Gideon, According to the revelation of the truth of the word which had been spoken by his fathers,

Alma 6:38 And it came to pass that Alma went forth, and also Amulek, among the people to declare the words of God unto them; And they were filled with the Holy Ghost,

Alma 6:42 And it came to pass that they went forth and began to preach and to prophesy unto the people, according to the spirit and power which the Lord had given them.

Alma 7:50 And it came to pass that Amulek went and stood forth and began to preach unto them also.

Alma 8:9 "Therefore, I went on rebelling against God in the wickedness of my heart, even until the fourth day of this seventh month, which is in the tenth year of the reign of our judges.

Alma 10:37 And the people went forth and witnessed against them, testifying that they had reviled against their law and their lawyers and judges of the land, And also all the people that were in the land;

Alma 10:66 And it came to pass that they departed and went their ways, but came again on the morrow; And the judge also smote them again on their cheeks,

Alma 10:73 And it came to pass after they had thus suffered for many days - and it was on the twelfth day, in the tenth month, in the tenth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi - That the chief judge over the Land of Ammonihah, and many of their teachers and their lawyers, went in unto the prison where Alma and Amulek were bound with cords;

Alma 10:75 And it came to pass that they all went forth and smote them, saying the same words, even until the last;

Alma 10:92 And it came to pass that they went immediately, obeying the message which he had sent unto them; And they went in unto the house unto Zeezrom,

Alma 10:101 And this was done to the great astonishment of all the people; And the knowledge of this went forth throughout all the Land of Sidom.

Alma 11:7 Therefore, they went unto him and desired of him to know whither the Lord would that they should go into the wilderness in search of their brethren who had been taken captive by the Lamanites.

Alma 11:22 And Alma and Amulek went forth preaching repentance unto the people in their temples and in their sanctuaries, and also in their synagogues, which were built after the manner of the Jews;

Alma 12:Intro An account of the sons of Mosiah which rejected their rights to the kingdom for the word of God and went up to the Land of Nephi to preach to the Lamanites. Their sufferings and deliverance, according to the record of Alma.

Alma 12:27 Therefore, they separated themselves one from another and went forth among them, every man alone, according to the word and power of God which was given unto him.

Alma 12:29 And Ammon went to the Land of Ishmael, the land being called after the sons of Ishmael which also became Lamanites.

Alma 12:47 And it came to pass that they went in search of the flocks and they did follow Ammon, And they rushed forth with much swiftness and did head the flocks of the king and did gather them together again to the place of water.

Alma 12:49 Therefore, they did as Ammon commanded them; And he went forth and stood to contend with those which stood by the Waters of Sebus;

Alma 12:60 And when he had driven them afar off, he returned; And they watered their flocks and returned them to the pasture of the king, And then went in unto the king, bearing the arms which had been smote off by the sword of Ammon of those who sought to slay him;

Alma 12:82 And it came to pass that when Ammon had made ready the horses and the chariots for the king and his servants, he went in unto the king and he saw that the countenance of the king was changed; Therefore, he was about to return out of his presence,

Alma 12:128 And it came to pass that Ammon did as he was commanded and went in unto the queen and desired to know what she would that he should do.

Alma 12:136 Therefore, he went in to see the king according as the queen had desired him; And he saw the king and he knew that he was not dead.

Alma 12:160 Now one of them whose brother had been slain with the sword of Ammon, being exceeding angry with Ammon, drew his sword and went forth that he might let it fall upon Ammon to slay him; And as he lifted the sword to smite him, behold, he fell dead.

Alma 12:169 And it came to pass that she went and took the queen by the hand, that perhaps she might raise her from the ground; And as soon as she touched her hand, she arose and stood upon her feet and cried with a loud voice, saying:

Alma 12:173 And he immediately, seeing the contention among his people, went forth and began to rebuke them and to teach them the words which he had heard from the mouth of Ammon; And as many as heard his words believed and were converted unto the Lord;

Alma 12:174 But there were many among them who would not hear his words, therefore, they went their way.

Alma 13:20 And they went forth again to declare the word; And thus they were delivered for the first time out of prison; And thus they had suffered.

Alma 13:21 And they went forth whithersoever they were led by the Spirit of the Lord, preaching the word of God in every synagogue of the Amalekites, or in every assembly of the Lamanites where they could be admitted.

Alma 13:32 And it came to pass that he went in unto him, into the king's palace with his brethren, and bowed himself before the king and said unto him: "Behold, O king, we are the brethren of Ammon whom thou hast delivered out of prison; And now, O king, if thou wilt spare our lives, we will be thy servants."

Alma 14:7 And now it came to pass that when the king had sent forth this proclamation, that Aaron and his brethren went forth from city to city and from one house of worship to another,

Alma 14:49 And it came to pass that when the people saw that they were coming against them, they went out to meet them and prostrated themselves before them to the earth and began to call on the name of the Lord;

Alma 14:60 And they did no more attempt to slay the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi at that time, But they took their armies and went over into the borders of the Land of Zarahemla and fell upon the people which were in the Land of Ammonihah and destroyed them;

Alma 14:99 Behold, we went forth, even in wrath, with mighty threatenings, to destroy His church; O then, why did He not consign us to an awful destruction? Yea, why did He not let the sword of His justice fall upon us and doom us to eternal despair?

Alma 15:12 And it came to pass that Ammon went and inquired of the Lord and the Lord said unto him: "Get this people out of this land, that they perish not, For Satan hath great hold on the hearts of the Amalekites which do stir up the Lamanites to anger against their brethren to slay them, Therefore, get thee out of this land; And blessed art this people in this generation, for I will preserve them."

Alma 15:13 And now it came to pass that Ammon went and told the king all the words which the Lord had said unto him.

Alma 15:21 And it came to pass that they went and told the chief judge all the things which had happened unto them in the Land of Nephi among their brethren, the Lamanites.

Alma 15:29 And it came to pass that they went down into the Land of Jershon and took possession of the Land of Jershon. And they were called by the Nephites, the people of Ammon,

Alma 16:20 Now this man went over to the Land of Jershon also to preach these things among the people of Ammon, which were once the people of the Lamanites;

Alma 16:38 And it came to pass that when he was brought before Alma and the chief judge, that he did go on in the same manner as he did in the Land of Gideon, Yea, he went on to blasphemy;

Alma 16:72 And it came to pass that the curse was not taken off of Korihor, But he was cast out and went about from house to house a begging for his food.

Alma 16:76 And it came to pass that as he went forth among the people - Yea, among a people which had separated themselves from the Nephites and called themselves Zoramites, being led by a man whose name was Zoram - And as he went forth amongst them, behold, he was run upon and trodden down, even until he was dead.

Alma 16:84 Now the eldest of his sons he took not with him - and his name was Helaman - but the names of those which he took with him were Shiblon and Coreanton; And these are the names of those which went with him among the Zoramites to preach unto them the word.

Alma 16:87 Neither would they observe the performances of the church to continue in prayer and supplication to God daily, that they might not enter into temptation, Yea, in fine, they did pervert the ways of the Lord in very many instances; Therefore, for this cause Alma and his brethren went into the land to preach the word unto them.

Alma 17:5 Now behold, I say unto you, if I had not been born of God, I should not have known these things; But God hath by the mouth of His holy angel made these things known unto me, Not of any worthiness of myself, for I went about with the sons of Mosiah seeking to destroy the church of God; But behold, God sent His holy angel to stop us by the way;

Alma 20:1 And now it came to pass that the sons of Alma did go forth among the people to declare the word unto them; And Alma also, himself, could not rest and he also went forth.

Alma 20:28 And those messengers went and delivered the message unto Moroni.

Alma 21:21 Behold, this we know - that he was a righteous man, And the saying went abroad in the church that he was taken up by the Spirit, Or buried by the hand of the Lord, even as Moses.

Alma 21:23 And now it came to pass in the commencement of the nineteenth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi that Helaman went forth among the people to declare the word unto them;

Alma 21:25 Therefore, Helaman and his brethren went forth to establish the church again in all the land, Yea, in every city throughout all the land which was possessed by the people of Nephi.

Alma 21:48 And when Moroni had said these words, he went forth among the people, waving the rent of his garment in the air that all might see the writing which he had written upon the rent, And crying with a loud voice, saying:

Alma 21:61 And now it came to pass that when Moroni had said these words, he went forth, and also sent forth in all the parts of the land where there were dissensions, And gathered together all the people which were desirous to maintain their liberty to stand against Amalickiah and those which had dissented, which were called Amalickiahites.

Alma 21:74 And it came to pass that there were many who died, firmly believing that their souls were redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ; Thus they went out of the world rejoicing.

Alma 21:78 Now I will return in our record to Amalickiah and those which had fled with him into the wilderness. For behold, he had taken those which went with him and went up into the Land of Nephi, among the Lamanites, And did stir up the Lamanites to anger against the people of Nephi, Insomuch that the king of the Lamanites sent a proclamation throughout all his land, among all his people, that they should gather themselves together again to go to battle against the Nephites.

Alma 21:84 Therefore, he went forward to the place which was called Oneidah - for thither had all the Lamanites fled - For they discovered the army coming and they supposed that they were coming to destroy them, Therefore, they fled to Oneidah to the place of arms.

Alma 21:92 And it came to pass that when Amalickiah found that he could not get Lehonti to come down off from the mount, he went up into the mount, nearly to Lehonti's camp; And he sent again the fourth time his message unto Lehonti, desiring that he would come down and that he would bring his guards with him.

Alma 21:104 And they went forth and bowed themselves before the king, as if to reverence him because of his greatness.

Alma 21:116 And it came to pass that Amalickiah took the same servant that slew the king, and also they which were with him, And went in unto the queen, unto the place where she sat,

Alma 21:143 And thus they went forth; And the people did humble themselves because of their words, insomuch that they were highly favored of the Lord. And thus they were free from wars and contentions among themselves, yea, even for the space of four years.

Alma 22:7 And it came to pass that Moroni caused that his armies should go forth into the East Wilderness; Yea, and they went forth and drove all the Lamanites which were in the East Wilderness into their own lands, which were south of the Land of Zarahemla.

Alma 23:32 And thus he went on, Taking possession of many cities - the City of Nephihah, and the City of Lehi, and the City of Morionton, and the City of Omner, and the City of Gid, and the City of Mulek - All of which were on the east borders by the seashore.

Alma 23:40 And it came to pass that when the night had come, Teancum and his servant stole forth and went out by night and went into the camp of Amalickiah; And behold, sleep had overpowered them because of their much fatigue which was caused by the labors and heat of the day.

Alma 24:51 And Moroni went to the City of Mulek with Lehi and took command of the city and gave it unto Lehi.

Alma 25:34 And it came to pass that when it was evening, Laman went to the guards which were over the Nephites, And behold, they saw him coming and they hailed him;

Alma 25:42 And Moroni had prepared his men with weapons of war; And he went to the City Gid while the Lamanites were in a deep sleep and drunken, And cast in the weapons of war in unto the prisoners, insomuch that they were all armed, Yea, even to their women and all those of their children - as many as were able to use a weapon of war - when Moroni had armed all those prisoners;

Alma 29:7 And it came to pass that Moroni and Pahoron went down with their armies into the Land of Zarahemla, And went forth against the city and did meet the men of Pachus, insomuch that they did come to battle.

Alma 29:23 And when the night came, Moroni went forth in the darkness of the night and came upon the top of the wall to spy out in what part of the city the Lamanites did camp with their army.

Alma 29:34 Now it came to pass that Moroni - After he had obtained possession of the City of Nephihah, Having taken many prisoners, which did reduce the armies of the Lamanites exceedingly, And having retained many of the Nephites which had been taken prisoners, which did strengthen the army of Moroni exceedingly - Therefore, Moroni went forth from the Land of Nephihah to the Land of Lehi.

Alma 29:43 And he went forth with a cord from place to place, insomuch that he did find the king; And he did cast a javelin at him, which did pierce him near the heart;

Alma 29:55 Therefore, Helaman and his brethren went forth and did declare the word of God with much power, Unto the convincing of many people of their wickedness, which did cause them to repent of their sins and to be baptized unto the Lord their God.

Alma 30:6 And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceeding curious man, Therefore, he went forth and built him an exceeding large ship on the borders of the Land Bountiful, by the Land Desolation, And launched it forth into the West Sea, by the Narrow Neck which led into the Land Northward.

Alma 30:13 And it came to pass that in this year, there were many people which went forth into the Land Northward; And thus ended the thirty and eighth year.

Helaman 1:11 And he went unto those that sent him and they all entered into a covenant, Yea, swearing by their everlasting maker that they would tell no man that Kishcumen had murdered Pahoron. Therefore, Kishcumen was not known among the people of Nephi, For he was in disguise at the time that he murdered Pahoron;

Helaman 1:42 And it came to pass as he went forth toward the judgment seat to destroy Helaman, Behold, one of the servants of Helaman - having been out by night and having obtained through disguise a knowledge of those plans which had been laid by this band to destroy Helaman -

Helaman 2:3 And it came to pass in the forty and sixth year, there were much contentions and many dissensions, In the which there were an exceeding great many which departed out of the Land of Zarahemla and went forth unto the Land Northward to inherit the land.

Helaman 2:7 And there being but little timber upon the face of the land; Nevertheless, the people which went forth became exceeding expert in the working of cement; Therefore, they did build houses of cement in the which they did dwell.

Helaman 2:37 But it came to pass in the fifty and sixth year of the reign of the judges, there were dissenters which went up from the Nephites unto the Lamanites; And they succeeded with those others in stirring them up to anger against the Nephites; And they were all that year preparing for war.

Helaman 2:77 And they did remember his words; And therefore, they went forth - keeping the commandments of God - to teach the word of God among all the people of Nephi, Beginning at the City Bountiful, and from thenceforth to the City of Gid, and from the City of Gid to the City of Mulek;

Helaman 2:84 And after they had been cast into prison many days without food, Behold, they went forth into the prison to take them, that they might slay them.

Helaman 2:124 And it came to pass that many of the Lamanites did go into the Land Northward; And also Nephi and Lehi went into the Land Northward to preach unto the people.

Helaman 3:67 Behold, now it came to pass that when Nephi had spoken these words, certain men which were among them ran to the judgment seat, Yea, even there were five which went;

Helaman 3:68 And they said among themselves as they went: "Behold, now we will know of a surety whether this man be a prophet, And God hath commanded him to prophesy such marvelous things unto us -

Helaman 3:106 And it came to pass that they went and did even according as Nephi had said unto them.

Helaman 3:112 And it came to pass that there arose a division among the people, Insomuch that they divided hither and thither and went their ways, leaving Nephi alone as he was standing in the midst of them.

Helaman 3:113 And it came to pass that Nephi went his way toward his own house, pondering upon the things which the Lord had shown unto him.

Helaman 4:32 And they did commit murder and plunder; And then they would retreat back into the mountains and into the wilderness and secret places, Hiding themselves that they could not be discovered, Receiving daily an addition to their numbers, inasmuch as there were dissenters that went forth unto them.

Helaman 5:5 And it came to pass that they would not suffer that he should enter into the city; Therefore, he went and got upon the wall thereof and stretched forth his hand, And cried with a loud voice and prophesied unto the people whatsoever things the Lord put into his heart.

Helaman 5:110 And as many as believed on his words went forth and sought for Nephi; And when they came forth and found him, they confessed unto him their sins and denied not, desiring that they might be baptized unto the Lord.

Helaman 5:113 Now when they saw that they could not hit him, there were many more which did believe on his words, Insomuch that they went away unto Nephi to be baptized;

Helaman 5:116 Therefore, as many as believed on the words of Samuel went forth unto him to be baptized, For they came repenting and confessing their sins.

Helaman 5:119 And as they went forth to lay their hands on him, Behold, he did cast himself down from the wall and did flee out of their hands, yea, even unto his own country, And began to preach and to prophesy among his own people;

3 Nephi 1:3 Then he departed out of the land and whither he went no man knoweth; And his son Nephi did keep the record in his stead, yea, the record of this people.

3 Nephi 1:11 And it came to pass that he went out and bowed himself down upon the earth and cried mightily to his God in behalf of his people, yea, those which were about to be destroyed because of their faith in the tradition of their fathers.

3 Nephi 1:27 And it came to pass that Nephi went forth among the people, and also many others, baptizing unto repentance in the which there were a great remission of sins.

3 Nephi 3:57 Therefore, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds - Went forth among them in that same year and began to testify boldly repentance and remission of sins through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Nephi 4:13 And there were some which were carried away in the whirlwind, And whither they went, no man knoweth, save they know that they were carried away.

3 Nephi 5:15 And it came to pass that the multitude went forth and did thrust their hands into His side and did feel the prints of the nails in His hands and in His feet;

3 Nephi 5:19 And Nephi arose and went forth and bowed himself before the Lord and he did kiss His feet;

3 Nephi 9:5 And it came to pass that they went forth and stood in the midst of the multitude;

3 Nephi 9:11 And when they had thus prayed, they went down unto the water's edge and the multitude followed them.

3 Nephi 9:12 And it came to pass that Nephi went down into the water and was baptized,

3 Nephi 9:20 And it came to pass that Jesus departed out of the midst of them and went a little way off from them and bowed Himself to the earth, And He saith: "Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast given the Holy Ghost unto these whom I have chosen, And it is because of their belief in Me that I have chosen them out of the world;

3 Nephi 9:28 And He turned from them again and went a little way off and bowed Himself to the earth, And He prayed again unto the Father, saying: "Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast purified these which I have chosen because of their faith;

3 Nephi 9:32 And it came to pass that He went again a little way off and prayed unto the Father; And tongue cannot speak the words which He prayed, Neither can be written by man the words which He prayed;

4 Nephi 1:33 But by the power of the word of God which was in them, the prisons were rent in twain, And they went forth doing mighty miracles among them.

Mormon 2:5 And it was because that the armies of the Nephites went up unto the Lamanites that they began to be smitten; For were it not for that, the Lamanites could have had no power over them.

Mormon 2:10 And when the Nephites saw that they had driven the Lamanites, they did again boast of their own strength, And they went forth in their own might and took possession again of the City Desolation.

Ether 1:22 And it came to pass that Jared and his brother and their families, and also the friends of Jared and his brother and their families, went down into the valley which was northward - and the name of the valley was Nimrod being called after the mighty hunter - with their flocks which they had gathered together, male and female, of every kind.

Ether 1:60 And it came to pass that the brother of Jared - now the number of the vessels which had been prepared was eight - Therefore, the brother of Jared went forth unto the mount, which they called the Mount Shelem because of its exceeding height, and did molten out of a rock sixteen small stones,

Ether 3:15 And it came to pass that they went forth upon the face of the land and began to till the earth.

Ether 3:24 And it came to pass that they did number their people; And after that they had numbered them, they did desire of them the things which they would that they should do before they went down to their graves.

Ether 3:41 And when Corihor was thirty and two years old, he rebelled against his father and went over and dwelt in the Land of Nehor; And he begat sons and daughters, And they became exceeding fair; Wherefore, Corihor drew away many people after him.

Ether 4:52 And it came to pass that after the space of many years, Morianton - he being a descendant of Riplakish - gathered together an army of outcasts and went forth and gave battle unto the people; And he gained power over many cities;

Ether 4:87 And he reigned over the half of the kingdom forty and two years; And he went to battle against the king Amgid, And they fought for the space of many years, in the which Com gained power over Amgid and obtained power over the remainder of the kingdom;

Ether 6:14 And I was about to write more, but I am forbidden; But great and marvelous were the prophecies of Ether! But they esteemed him as naught and cast him out, And he hid himself in the cavity of a rock by day, And by night he went forth viewing the things which should come upon the people;

Ether 6:29 And it came to pass that Coriantumr was exceeding angry with Shared; And he went against him with his armies to battle, And they did meet in great anger, And they did meet in the Valley of Gilgal; And the battle became exceeding sore.

Ether 6:54 And there went a fear of Shiz throughout all the land, Yea, a cry went forth throughout the land: "Who can stand before the army of Shiz? Behold, he sweepeth the earth before him!"

Ether 6:59 And the scent thereof went forth upon the face of the land, even upon all the face of the land; Wherefore, the people became troubled by day and by night because of the scent thereof.

Ether 6:92 But behold, the Spirit of the Lord had ceased striving with them and Satan had full power over the hearts of the people, For they were given up unto the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds, that they might be destroyed; Wherefore, they went again to battle.

Ether 6:108 And he went forth and beheld that the words of the Lord had all been fulfilled; And he finished his record - and the hundredth part I have not written - And he had hid them in a manner that the people of Limhi did find them.

End of Search Results