Scripture Search Results

Search For: Advising
Verses Found: 3

DC 120:4b nevertheless, the traveling presiding councils of the church being made by the law, their calling and the voice of the church the directing, regulating and advising authorities of the church, and representing it abroad, should when present in either district or branch be regarded and considered as the leading representative authorities of the church, and be respected as such, their counsel and advice be sought and respected when given;

DC 123:2b A. H. Smith offered prayer, after which the President made a few remarks bearing upon the object of the council, and advising forbearance and toleration in speech and feeling, regardless of the distance between those present in their judgment upon the matters under discussion.

DC 132:1 I am therefore now prepared to say that the voice of the Spirit to me is, that Bishop E. L. Kelley should be released from the responsibilities of Presiding Bishop, though he may act as traveling bishop, counseling and advising on the law of temporalities in harmony with his successor and the Presidency.

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