Scripture Search Results

Search For: Ale
Verses Found: 7

DC 100:Intro SECTION 100 A delegation arrived in Kirtland, February 22, 1834, with information for the First Presidency regarding the condition of the Saints in Missouri. The following revelation was given through Joseph Smith two days later. For "Baurak Ale" read "Joseph Smith". This revelation was first published without conference approval in 1844 and its retention was specifically approved by the 1970 World Conference.

DC 100:4 Verily, verily I say unto you, that my servant Baurak Ale is the man to whom I likened the servant to whom the Lord of the vineyard spoke in the parable which I have given unto you.

DC 100:5a Therefore, let my servant Baurak Ale say unto the strength of my house, my young men and the middle-aged, Gather yourselves together unto the land of Zion, upon the land which I have bought with moneys that have been consecrated unto me;

DC 100:6g Therefore, as I said unto you, Ask and ye shall receive; pray earnestly that peradventure my servant Baurak Ale may go with you and preside in the midst of my people, and organize my kingdom upon the consecrated land; and establish the children of Zion, upon the laws and commandments which have been, and which shall be given, unto you.

DC 102:Intro SECTION 102 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., June 22, 1834, at Fishing River, Missouri. The company of Saints known as "Zion's Camp" left Kirtland, Ohio, for Missouri, May 8, 1834 (D. and C. 100:5-6). They reached an elevated piece of land between two branches of the Fishing River June 19 and were obliged to stay there because of a heavy rain and hailstorm. The following revelation was given through Joseph Smith on June 22, 1834. It was first published in 1844 without conference approval and its retention was specifically authorized by the 1970 World Conference. For "Baurak Ale" read Joseph Smith. "Baneemy" evidently referred to the other leading elders of the church.

DC 102:5a Behold, I have commanded my servant Baurak Ale, to say unto the strength of my house, even my warriors, my young men and middle- aged, to gather together for the redemption of my people, and throw down the towers of mine enemies, and scatter their watchmen;

DC 102:8b and I will soften the hearts of the people, as I did the heart of Pharaoh, from time to time, until my servant Baurak Ale, and Baneemy, whom I have appointed, shall have time to gather up the strength of my house, and to have sent wise men, to fulfill that which I have commanded concerning the purchasing of all the lands in Jackson County, that can be purchased, and in the adjoining counties round about; for it is my will that these lands be purchased, and after they are purchased that my Saints should possess them according to the laws of consecration which I have given;

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