Scripture Search Results

Search For: Bishopric
Verses Found: 38

Acts 1:20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein; and, His bishopric let another take.

DC 68:2c wherefore they shall be high priests who are worthy, and they shall be appointed by the First Presidency of the Melchisedec priesthood, except they be literal descendants of Aaron, and if they be literal descendants of Aaron, they have a legal right to the bishopric, if they are the firstborn among the sons of Aaron; for the firstborn holds the right of the presidency over this priesthood, and the keys or authority of the same.

DC 81:4b to manage the affairs of the poor, and all things pertaining to the bishopric both in the land of Zion, and in the land of Shinehah, for I have consecrated the land of Shinehah in mine own due time for the benefit of the Saints of the Most High, and for a stake to Zion;

DC 104:8c The bishopric is the presidency of this priesthood, and holds the keys or authority of the same. No man has a legal right to this office, to hold the keys of this priesthood, except he be a literal descendant of Aaron.

DC 107:45 And again, I say unto you, I give unto you Vinson Knight, Samuel H. Smith, and Shadrach Roundy, if he will receive it, to preside over the bishopric; a knowledge of said bishopric is given unto you in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.

DC 122:5e except as it may be at times necessary to do so in council with the Presidency, the high council in case of exigency, the Bishopric, bishops, or bishop's agents abroad, or the conferences; and in accordance with the agreement hitherto made.

DC 122:15 My servant Thomas W. Smith is in my hand; and his bishopric shall be continued for a season; if he fully recover he will enter again into the work; if I take him unto myself, another will be appointed in his stead when the quorum is filled.

DC 123:1a In compliance with the requirement of paragraph thirteen of the revelation received during conference and by agreement between the quorums affected, the First Presidency, the Twelve, and the Bishopric met in joint council in the editor's room of the Herald Office at nine a.m., Friday, April 20, 1894.

DC 123:1b There were present: Joseph Smith and W.W. Blair, of the First Presidency; Alexander H. Smith, E.C. Briggs, James Caffall, W.H. Kelley, J.H. Lake, J.R. Lambert, Heman C. Smith, Joseph Luff, and Gomer T. Griffiths, of the Twelve; E.L. Kelly, G.H. Hilliard, and E.A. Blakeslee, of the Bishopric.

DC 123:12 Resolved that all parties wishing to change their location be recommended to correspond with the Bishopric for information. PRESIDING COUNCILS

DC 123:24b but that whatever duty the Twelve might have felt rested upon them in "looking after the disbursements of the moneys in the treasury, or the management of the properties of the church," more than what is set forth in the agreement between the Twelve and the Bishopric, as effected in April, 1878, and reaffirmed in April, 1888, or indicated in the revelation of April, 1894, "they are now absolved from, the end designed by it having been reached." REQUEST FOR ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION

DC 124:2c he to sit in council with his brethren of the Presidency and act with and for them and the church; though he shall still be and act in the office of his calling of Bishop of the church with his brethren of the Bishopric.

DC 125:16a The college debt should be paid, the ministers going out from the conferences held by the elders of my church are not expected or authorized to throw obstacles in the way of the accomplishment of that which has been intrusted to the Bishopric to pay this great debt.

DC 126:2b On that platform I saw the quorum of the Presidency, the Bishopric, the Twelve, and a line above the Twelve on the seat behind them, a number of the brethren, including four of the present members of the Twelve and the patriarchs now ordained and recognized in the church.

DC 126:5a I saw the Bishopric as at present constituted, with the attendant bishops upon either side. I asked what was the meaning of this.

DC 126:10a In regard to the gathering and the work of the Bishopric in regard to the law of tithing and consecration, I made inquiry what should be the attitude of the church in regard thereto.

DC 126:10b To this question I was answered, that the Book of Doctrine and Covenants as accepted by the church was to guide the advice and action of the Bishopric, taken as a whole, each revelation contained therein having its appropriate bearing upon each of the others and their relation thereto;

DC 126:10c and unless the liberties of the people of the church should be in jeopardy, the application of the law as stated by the bishopric should be acceded to.

DC 127:1c The Presiding Bishop and his counselors and the Bishopric of the Independence Stake should take counsel together in locating and establishing this sanitarium.

DC 128:1b under the existing laws of the United States, and especially the state of Missouri, require that the Bishopric be authorized to take such measures as will bring to pass the organization of those who are desirous and willing to form parts in colonization under terms of association in different localities

DC 129:8b The word has been already given in agreement with revelations long since delivered to the church, that the temporalities of the church were to be under the charge and care of the Bishopric, men holding the office of bishop under a presiding head acting for the church in the gathering, caring for, and disbursing the contributions gathered from the Saints of moneys and properties under the terms of tithing, surplus, free will offerings, and consecrations.

DC 129:8f The church has been directed to accede to the rendition of the Bishopric with respect to the temporal law;

DC 130:5a The Spirit saith further: Elder E. A. Blakeslee is hereby called into the more active participation of the duties of the Bishopric than he has hitherto engaged in,

DC 130:5b in order that he may give such assistance to the Bishop, E. L. Kelley, as is essential unto the success of the work intrusted to the Bishopric.

DC 130:6a The Spirit saith further: That the Bishopric may be still further put in condition to perform the duties of the office of caring for the temporalities of the church, the imminent necessity of which appears clear to all,

DC 130:6b the church should authorize the Presiding Bishop to make choice of some one who may be qualified to take active participation in the work of the Bishopric and become in due time a part thereof;

DC 131:2b To accomplish this object the servant of the church, Edwin A. Blakeslee, should make himself more thoroughly acquainted with the affairs in the office of the Bishopric, that he may be better prepared to advise, strengthen, and aid in controlling the affairs of the Bishopric to the successful accomplishment of the object in view when he was called and ordained to the Bishopric.

DC 131:3a The Spirit saith further, that it is expedient that additional aid be given to the Bishopric in charge of the general affairs of the finances,

DC 131:3b and to do this Richard C. Kelley, son of my servant Bishop Edmund L. Kelley, should be called and ordained to the office of an elder, that he may act with the Bishopric in case of necessities and to work in the office of the Bishop in looking after and caring for the affairs appertaining to that office;

DC 131:3c and in due time, if he approve himself in this work, he should receive an ordination to the high priesthood which would authorize him to act fully as a part of the Bishopric.

DC 132:Intro SECTION 132 President Joseph Smith died at Independence, Missouri, December 10, 1914. His oldest living son, Frederick Madison Smith, had been designated as his successor and was accepted by the church in this capacity. He was set apart as President of the Church and the High Priesthood at the Stone Church in Independence on May 5, 1915. The Conference of 1915 had given consideration to the honorable release of Presiding Bishop E. L. Kelley, but referred any necessary action to the Presidency and Council of Twelve. President F. M. Smith reported the situation to a council of the Presidency, Council of Twelve, and Presiding Bishopric. By action of this council the text of the revelation was taken from the body of President F. M. Smith's report and presented to the General Conference, where it was endorsed and approved for inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants. The matter of selecting one to succeed Bishop E.L. Kelley in the office of Presiding Bishop has received by me careful and prayerful consideration.

DC 134:Intro SECTION 134 Revelation given through President Frederick M. Smith at Independence, Missouri, October 2, 1922. This message was presented to the General Conference, and by them referred to the various quorums. The Council of Twelve and Presiding Bishopric joined in recommending that action on it be "deferred pending the settlement of important matters pending before the Joint Council of Presidency, Twelve, and presiding Bishopric, in which the . . . personnel of the Twelve are vitally interested." Debate on this procedural matter broadened into a review of the entire administration of President Smith. The document was approved by a divided vote on October 12. To the Church: To the matter of filling the leading quorums of the church in which vacancies now exist I have given prayerful and careful consideration and meditation, and the voice of inspiration to me is:

DC 135:Intro SECTION 135 In the years prior to 1925 the Reorganization was passing through a period which brought to the fore problems of administrative prerogatives. These involved the leading quorums of the church. A climax was reached in the General Conference of 1925. A conflict of views between the First Presidency and the Presiding Bishopric occurred. The Order of Bishops presented a motion to the Conference recommending the honorable release from their positions of members of the Presiding Bishopric. The General Conference by motion deferred action and approved an appeal to the Lord through the prophet, in fasting and prayer. In response to the plea of the church the following revelation was received through President Frederick M. Smith, prophet and seer to the church, April 18, 1925. To the Church: Before and since the decision of the conference to have a season of prayer for divine direction in the matter before the conference I have presented to the Lord the needs of the people; and through the voice of inspiration I am directed to say to the church:

DC 135:1 It is wisdom that the brethren of the present Presiding Bishopric be released from further responsibility in that office, and that Albert Carmichael be ordained to act in the office of Presiding Bishop for a time, he to choose from among the bishops two to act as counselors.

DC 136:Intro SECTION 136 The widespread financial and economic depression which began near the close of 1929 put the church into serious financial difficulties. Early in 1930 the counselors in the Presiding Bishopric resigned; and by agreement between the Presidency, Twelve, and Presiding Bishop, Bishops L. F. P. Curry and G. Leslie DeLapp were chosen to serve as counselors to Bishop Albert Carmichael subject to the action of the next General Conference. The following revelation was approved by the quorums and the Conference. To the Church: To the condition of the church and the personnel of the Quorum of Twelve and Presiding Bishopric I have in official capacity as well as in personal meditation and prayer given much thought, and have earnestly sought divine wisdom and guidance. Believing that such wisdom and inspiration have been given me, I present the following as the word of the Lord to us now:

DC 138:1a As a result of the conditions existing when the Joint Council of First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve and Presiding Bishopric, met in October, 1938, Brother Floyd M. McDowell, Second Counselor, presented his resignation to me to take effect immediately.

DC 138:2 To effect necessary reorganization of the Presiding Bishopric let G. Leslie DeLapp be selected and ordained as Presiding Bishop, he being left free to nominate his counselors in due time.

DC 142:2 To fill the vacancy thus created in the Quorum of Twelve, Donald O. Chesworth is called. He should be ordained to the office of an apostle, and be relieved of his present bishopric, and assume the duties of a special witness in that council.

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