Scripture Search Results

Search For: Bloodsheds
Verses Found: 7

2 Nephi 1:25 Yea, as one generation passeth to another, there shall be bloodsheds and great visitations among them;

2 Nephi 5:39 And they that believe not in him, shall be destroyed, both by fire, and by tempest, and by earthquakes, and by bloodsheds, and by pestilence, and by famine.

2 Nephi 7:10 Wherefore, because of their iniquities, destructions, famines, pestilence and bloodsheds, shall come upon them;

Alma 16:258 Now Alma, being grieved for the iniquity of his people, yea for the wars, and the bloodsheds, and the contentions which were among them; and having been to declare the word, or sent to declare the word, among all the people in every city;

Alma 29:48 And thus ended the thirty and first year of the reign of the Judges over the people of Nephi; and thus they had had wars, and bloodsheds, and famine, and affliction for the space of many years.

Helaman 2:139 For behold, the Lord had blessed them so long with the riches of the world, that they had not been stirred up to anger, to wars, nor to bloodsheds; therefore they began to set their hearts upon their riches;

DC 36:2f And from that time forth there were wars and bloodsheds among them; but the Lord came and dwelt with his people, and they dwelt in righteousness.

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