Scripture Search Results

Search For: Collected
Verses Found: 2

Mosiah 6:6 And yet, I being overzealous to inherit the land of our fathers, collected as many as were desirous to go up to possess the land, and started again on our journey into the wilderness, to go up to the land; but we were smitten with famine and sore afflictions; for we were slow to remember the Lord our God.

DC 131:2a Thus saith the Spirit unto the church: The time has now come when the necessities of the work require that the servants of the church, Bishops Edwin A. Blakeslee and Edmund L. Kelley, should be more closely associated in the carrying on of the financial affairs of the church and caring for the various organizations requiring the expenditure of moneys collected from the membership of the church and the care of the properties belonging to the church as an organization under the laws of the church and of the land.

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