Scripture Search Results

Search For: Combination
Verses Found: 7

Genesis 5:37 For, from the days of Cain, there was a secret combination, and their works were in the dark, and they knew every man his brother.

Helaman 1:44 And when the servant of Helaman had known all the heart of Kishkumen, and how that it was his object to murder, and also that it was the object of all those who belonged to his band, to murder, and to rob, and to gain power, (and this was their secret plan and their combination,) the servant of Helaman saith unto Kishkumen, Let us go forth unto the judgment seat.

3 Nephi 3:41 And the regulations of the government were destroyed, because of the secret combination of the friends and kindreds of those who murdered the prophets.

3 Nephi 3:44 Now this secret combination which had brought so great iniquity upon the people, did gather themselves together, and did place at their head a man whom they did call Jacob; and they did call him their king;

Ether 3:92 And it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old; which combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God;

Ether 3:98 Wherefore the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you, that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you, or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who build it up.

Ether 4:107 And it came to pass that there arose a rebellion among the people, because of that secret combination which was built up to get power and gain; and there arose a mighty man among them in iniquity, and gave battle unto Moron, in which he did overthrow the half of the kingdom; and he did maintain the half of the kingdom for many years.

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