Scripture Search Results

Search For: Conferences
Verses Found: 17

DC 17:13 The several elders composing this church of Christ are to meet in conference once in three months, or from time to time, as said conferences shall direct or appoint; and said conferences are to do whatever church business is necessary to be done at the time.

DC 17:14 The elders are to receive their licenses from other elders, by vote of the church to which they belong, or from the conferences.

DC 17:25a It shall be the duty of the several churches composing the church of Christ to send one or more of their teachers to attend the several conferences, held by the elders of the church, with a list of the names of the several members uniting themselves with the church since the last conference,

DC 58:12b And let the privileges of the lands be made known, from time to time, by the bishop, or the agent of the church; and let the work of the gathering be not in haste, nor by flight, but let it be done as it shall be counseled by the elders of the church at the conferences, according to the knowledge which they receive from time to time.

DC 58:13b And let a conference meeting be called, and after that let my servants Sidney Rigdon and Joseph Smith, Jr., return, and also Oliver Cowdery with them, to accomplish the residue of the work which I have appointed unto them in their own land, and the residue as shall be ruled by the conferences.

DC 69:Intro SECTION 69 Revelation given through rough Joseph Smith, Jr., November 1831, at Hiram, Ohio. The compilation of the revelations to comprise the "Book of Commandments" was authorized at one of the four special conferences held in Hiram during the first half of November 1831. It was decided that Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer should carry the revelations to Independence, Missouri, where they would be printed by W. W. Phelps and Company. This instruction was sought and received in connection with the mission of these brethren.

DC 120:1c When branches and districts are organized, they should be so organized by direction of the conferences, or by the personal presence and direction of the Twelve, or some member of that quorum who may be in charge, if practicable;

DC 120:9d And this committee shall make these selections according to the spirit of wisdom and revelation that shall be given unto them, to provide that such council may be convened at any General Conference when emergency may demand, by reason of their residing at or near to places where conferences may be held.

DC 122:5e except as it may be at times necessary to do so in council with the Presidency, the high council in case of exigency, the Bishopric, bishops, or bishop's agents abroad, or the conferences; and in accordance with the agreement hitherto made.

DC 122:6g these last named being within the province of the Presidency, the Twelve as a quorum, the councils or other officers of the branches or stakes where houses of worship are to be built, the conferences and the general assembly of the church, and the direction of the Lord by revelation.

DC 122:8d It is the will of God that they do this; yea, verily, thus saith the Spirit, If they will now enter upon this work, leaving the burden of care in organized districts, or conferences to the standing ministry, under the Presidency of the church;

DC 123:17 Resolved, further, that when a necessity occurs for changing men or placing new men in the field, between conferences, to meet special exigencies, those making the appointment should notify the ministers in charge of the fields affected, if practicable, so as to avoid irregularity or possible conflict. GOSPEL BOAT

DC 125:7a My servant was directed to present to the church rules of representation, and he so stated to the body at different times that he was so led; but the conferences of my people saw proper to change these articles and rules of representation, and propositions are pending that they be still further changed.

DC 125:16a The college debt should be paid, the ministers going out from the conferences held by the elders of my church are not expected or authorized to throw obstacles in the way of the accomplishment of that which has been intrusted to the Bishopric to pay this great debt.

DC 125:16c They are sent out as ministers to preach the gospel, and their voices if opposed to what may be presented to the conference should be heard in the conferences, and not in the mission fields, to prevent the accomplishment of the object with which the officers of the church have been intrusted.

DC 126:9 The assembly seemed to be large and orderly, with the different officers of the church in their quorums assembled in much the same order as observed at our annual conferences, but did not seem to be so large as at other times I had seen them.

DC 144:3 This action is taken by me pursuant to the authority vested in me by the terms of Section 43 of the book of Doctrine and Covenants, in connection with other references in the law, notably paragraph 8 of Section 127, all as interpreted by my father, the late President Joseph Smith, in the Saints' Herald of March 12, 1912, and all of which I believe is in complete harmony with precedents established by the church in General Conferences of 1860, 1915, and 1946.

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